Ready for first brew.....

I can't comment on anything technical, but I hope your first brew on the new system works out. Looking forward to hearing how things go, and how the batch turns out.
So, just about ready for my first brew on the new system.
Trying to use water chem, and such.
Going to be a simple SMaSH

Can you guys take a look and tell me what you think. My base line water will be my local water cut 50% with RO water.

Thanks in advance
I plugged your numbers into the mash water calculator using our water here, not so different from yours as I recall, and wound up with a mash pH of 5.15, too low. Without the acid addition, I wound up with 5.42, about right. You might want to run your water calculations again, I don't know exactly what's in your water.
That was built with 1/2 and 1/2 water before our talk in the other thread...

I have not gone back and addressed it yet
Well texas i commend you on brewing something simple for your first brew on this rig to notice any flaws i hope it goes to plan;)!
going to change up the malt to Root Shoot Malting Co, out of Colorado's Metcalf Pale Ale Malt.

"Biscuity, bready, and a touch of nuttiness. A light roasty flavor that adds a slightly darker color and creates a dry, clean beer."

I need to add it to the malt list in BF, but the only info I have is:
Lovibond: 4
Friability: 84-87%
Extract: 80% does this = 36ppg?

going to change up the malt to Root Shoot Malting Co, out of Colorado's Metcalf Pale Ale Malt.

"Biscuity, bready, and a touch of nuttiness. A light roasty flavor that adds a slightly darker color and creates a dry, clean beer."

I need to add it to the malt list in BF, but the only info I have is:
Lovibond: 4
Friability: 84-87%
Extract: 80% does this = 36ppg?


That's a great malt. Heck, I've been pleased with all their malts. My little farm sits in the middle of all their farm land. Their operation is right across from my house. We toured it and had dinner there In April. It was really cool to check it out and seeing where most of my grains come from. I love supporting them the best I can. The more farm land they take up around me means less houses that can be built around me lol!
But yeah. Great malts.
going to change up the malt to Root Shoot Malting Co, out of Colorado's Metcalf Pale Ale Malt.

"Biscuity, bready, and a touch of nuttiness. A light roasty flavor that adds a slightly darker color and creates a dry, clean beer."

I need to add it to the malt list in BF, but the only info I have is:
Lovibond: 4
Friability: 84-87%
Extract: 80% does this = 36ppg?

It's worth it. It gives a very nice, sweet nutty flavor I can't get with Briess malt. Colorado Malting Co. has some really good malts too, if you can get them.
It's worth it. It gives a very nice, sweet nutty flavor I can't get with Briess malt. Colorado Malting Co. has some really good malts too, if you can get them.
I can get them I the Springs, well some of them, I have a feeling I will eoeith be at Altitude or Quirky Home brew for my shopping
Altitude is out of the Metcalf, might get more in on Wednesday
Got the Root Shoot Metcalf, but they were out of the yeast - US05(WTF!) and Galaxy hops so went with some Wakatu - never used them and the Imperial Dry Hop yeast.

Had to rework the hop schedule as well

Reworked the water, if someone could comment on that, it could be helpful.
Ready to go on Monday

Wakatu Info-
Dry Hop Info

A24 Dry Hop
Dry Hop is a blend of A20 Citrus and A04 Barbarian. When this blend goes to work on your hoppy beer, the hop aroma blows up. The combination of these strains produces amazing aromas of citrus, peach and apricot that will accentuate your IPA, pale ale, and any other hop driven beer.
You'll be happy with the malt I'm sure. I have never used Imperial yeast. Our shop doesn't carry it, but I've heard positive remarks about it. I know the Brulosophy guys swear by it for whatever that's worth.
i am hoping it has more character than regular pale...i like a bit of malt/bread pop....with less grainy than pilz....if I could find that malt between MO and regular 2 row.....that would be the sweet spot
You should be able to get some Pale Moon from Blacklands. They're just to the north of Austin and the local store has their malt. You could pick up a bag from them directly next time you're around the Austin area. I use it the same as MO but it's more toasty and less fruity. Very good stuff.
Between MO and 2 row.... Sounds like Muntons pale ale malt. Or Briess if you want to stay stateside.

Wakatu is not galaxy.... But its good. Kind of a lime flavor used late. Not as fruity or as flavorful as galaxy.
You should be able to get some Pale Moon from Blacklands. They're just to the north of Austin and the local store has their malt. You could pick up a bag from them directly next time you're around the Austin area. I use it the same as MO but it's more toasty and less fruity. Very good stuff.

Found it at Austin Homebrew, but they want $27 to ship it. If I can find it in Houston or Dallas I may be able to get it next time I head South, but Austin is to far out of the way, 16 hour drive is already long enuff
If you can get up to Aurora, the Brew Hut has Root Shoot Pale Ale malt. It's quite good, in fact, it's the only bag of grain in my basement. I haven't seen Colorado Malting's products there in a while but they have really good pale ale malt, as well.
Austin is to far out of the way, 16 hour drive is already long enuff
Never mind...had it in my head that you were a lot closer than that. Not sure where I got the notion.
