Most Unpopular Opinion You Have...

It was almost 3 years ago now but they were Canadian competitions and it wasn't the first or only time. They were all BJCP and the advice was all over the map. I got a gold medal from one for it. I basically stopped competing shortly after because I found the advice completely useless since it was so contradictory.
It was almost 3 years ago now but they were Canadian competitions and it wasn't the first or only time. They were all BJCP and the advice was all over the map. I got a gold medal from one for it. I basically stopped competing shortly after because I found the advice completely useless since it was so contradictory.

I stopped competing for quite awhile also. I was frustrated that the judges didn't understand what I was going for. Then I realized, it was me and not them. I thought my 25 IBU Chocolate Imperial Stout was great, but it didn't fit the category. Not exactly the same as you...

Well, CHEERS! And to each his own. My favorite part of homebrewing is that there isn't one right way of doing it. I hate water chemistry. You love it? Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Who cares, we both make good beer.
