Mash Guidelines : Thickness vs Water amount

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Jul 23, 2013
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Is there any reason Mash thickness and Water amount are not linked in the Mash Guidelines ?

It would be a nice&easy feature.

Thanks !
It does not "give" me anything. I have to enter everything manually and for every change. Here is an exemple of screenshots of a recipe with 7 Kg of malt.
Capture d'écran 2017-02-27 15.59.37.png
Capture d'écran 2017-02-27 15.59.22.png
your right I wish it pulled it in automatically but for now go to tools/ quick water requirements
Yes, I do use the Quick Water Requirements, it works very well. Mine is just a very tiny feature request, no big deal !

Thanks for the fast replies !
Just curious how much trouble would it be to be able to pop in a mash thickness and the recipe builder would auto enter the mash water amount? I know this is approaching the area of everybody does it different. Maybe just integrate the QWR tool into the mash portion of the builder so as you change mash ratio the results are right there on the recipe builder? I think this was discussed a couple of years ago but don't remember the outcome.:confused:o_O
I agree the if the quick water form can pull the readings why cant the recipe builder
I looked back through the posts (handy search ability by the way) and Larry was stepping towards this in 2013 with mash ratio and water volume updates. Could it be possible to not have to go to QWR to get the results of water volume calculations in the Recipe Editor.
For example if I want to maximize mash tun volume for thinnest mash possible with my system I am required to enter a mash ratio, save recipe, open tools, read resulting calculations from QWR water volumes, then enter mash water volumes into the recipe builder manually or tweek by repeating this process several times til I have maxed out the tun. If the water quantities showed up on the Recipe Builder in the Mash Guidelines portion, it would be much simpler. Make sense?o_O

I know I won't be the one coding it, but I think it would also be more intuitive if it worked both ways, like if you enter the water volume you get the ratio and vice versa. Especially when trying to work out the limits of a system as in Head First's example.
Thanks Yooper!
We are very lucky to have the support you people bring to this site.
I believe the mash guidelines were sort of under construction when the software changed hands.
Had actually forgotten about it (got used to the back and forth to balance out tun) I guess until this bump.
