Keezer Build

Here's the latest keezer addition. Hoping after adding this my cooler will be done. Not sure if I really needed a fan or not, but I had all the materials laying around so figured it couldn't hurt. It was immediately obvious the cold air it was bringing to the top.
Ha, noticed after I took the pics that I should've cleaned the damn fan after removing it from an old power supply...
Here's the latest keezer addition. Hoping after adding this my cooler will be done. Not sure if I really needed a fan or not, but I had all the materials laying around so figured it couldn't hurt. It was immediately obvious the cold air it was bringing to the top.
View attachment 6378 View attachment 6379
You have that on the inkbird cold side switch thunder or run it continuously?
I'm adding one to push cold air up to my taps chamber then back down, that should also help inside the freezer
I've been contemplating running a fan in mine but at thus stage jury is out for me I need more convincing...
I figured I added more real estate to try and keep cool, and my taps being in that area I figured it couldn't hurt.
Heat rises, and cold falls.
You may get more even cooling with the fan, and may even end up running the reefer less. Maybe...
I have a 6 keg Keezer, I have one 4 inch computer fan sitting on the hump running 24/7, If I have it unplugged for a while and then plug it in I instantly feel cold air pouring out of the open keezer. So my vote is a strong yes on fans
There's a very real difference. I can tell after a day my temps are holding much more steady, the freezer is running less, and my beer is actually a little colder. Much colder on the first pour than it was before.
I have some extra 115v 65 cfm fans, too much I know, sounds like a jet but I do have dead spaces in mine, worth a try
Here's the latest keezer addition. Hoping after adding this my cooler will be done. Not sure if I really needed a fan or not, but I had all the materials laying around so figured it couldn't hurt. It was immediately obvious the cold air it was bringing to the top.
View attachment 6378 View attachment 6379
Looks like an alien coming up for keezer pics.
Looks great. Pretty doesn't improve the beer quality. Basic and functional is what I always go for.
