IPA kit+ Yes or no?

Hay you dont have to drink the whole lot just taste it lol. You did have a spit bucket? Next time im at a comp im going to write down the entry numbers of the beers i loved then when comp is done and dusted go and seek these beers out of the entry fridge. I was last to leave the last comp and i tell you what most all of the comp beers were just sitting in the fridge ready to be poured down the sink! The organiser said help yourself to as many bottles as you want :p i left with a swag of swingtop bottles for home they were going to waste anyhow...:rolleyes:
Agreed. When judging competitions, spit buckets are your friend. There are lots of free bottles to be had, no labels, just wash out and refill!
There's a place for experimentation, but since you are a "relatively new homebrewer" you'd do well to establish your process and brew relatively simple beer that's consistently of high quality first and foremost. Seems like the majority of new homebrewers just can't wait to either brew beers with a high ABV or go all mad-scientist start throwing in odd ingredients or both.
I just helped judge a Belgian category homebrew competition and I can absolutely attest that many of the beers entered were not nearly as good as Busch light. One "Witbier" looked like vegetable soup broth and tasted like lime Kool-Aid.
Go ahead and try your experiment, but I'd split-batch and brew half with regular yeast so you can see for yourself what sort of flavor contribution the wine yeast makes.
Be sure to follow up and let us know how it comes out.
Good luck!

Point very well taken. I hear what you're saying and understand. I don't think I'm going all mad scientist here, I'm doing plenty of research, and your point of splitting the batch makes perfect sense.
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It took a little longer than I'd wanted, but I split up my brew when I got it in the secondaries last night. I've got it brewing 4 ways now: 1 gallon straight kit; a gallon kit + Lavalin EC-1118 wine yeast; 1 gallon kit + 1 lb mango; 3 gallons kit + 3# mango + Lavalin EC-1118 wine yeast.

I read several ways on how to add fruit - both in the boil and in the secondary. I chose the option of adding vodka to the mango puree and letting that sit for 30 minutes before adding it to the carboy to help reduce introduction of bad bacteria.
I hope you aren't bottling using wine yeast... bottle bombs unless you kill off the yeast
Yeah, well...... Ya live, ya learn. They haven't exploded yet, but I'm going to have to drink a lot of beer quickly!

Other than that, flavor-wise, the straight kit is the strongest, very citrusy aroma, sharp bite. The kit with wine yeast is not as sharp and the aroma has more caramel. The batches with mango were virtually identical (one more like a small bottle of champagne when you open it) The aroma and flavor of the mango isn't as strong as I would have thought, but it's there in the background when you're looking for it, especially the flavor.
Yeah, well...... Ya live, ya learn. They haven't exploded yet, but I'm going to have to drink a lot of beer quickly!

Other than that, flavor-wise, the straight kit is the strongest, very citrusy aroma, sharp bite. The kit with wine yeast is not as sharp and the aroma has more caramel. The batches with mango were virtually identical (one more like a small bottle of champagne when you open it) The aroma and flavor of the mango isn't as strong as I would have thought, but it's there in the background when you're looking for it, especially the flavor.
Keep tweeking and taking notes you will get there.
The aroma and flavor of the mango isn't as strong as I would have thought,
If you want to double down on the mango, use a good dose of Simcoe hops at flameout and/or dry hop. There's some dank/pine in it for sure, but I find that, used late, it really puts out a nice tropical/mango aroma and flavor.
