How are all your hops doing that you're growing?

Just one small spot needs filled in to completely shade patio now. No pic cause the thunder lightening storms passing over this evening are putting down buckets. Just put the dock in this afternoon as they showed up and our boat is getting drenched. Hope it doesn't sink:eek:.
on that note we had 30 feet rise in our lake from a massive rain this year, the core made us add all kinds of changes for this 2 years ago after a similar flood which sank everything even the marina so thanks "core" for not sinking my dock this year and making it easier to boat again I hope yours is safe
I'm actually thinking about doing away with my hops. They've completely taken over the area where I have them and I just can't keep up anymore no matter what I do it seems. I've got a little over 6 acres, so I'm thinking of starting over at a totally different location. I think I originally started with like 6 rhizomes. Way to much for my needs. Knowing now, and fully understanding how invasive and massive hops can be, I think I could easily get by with 2-3 plants.
I'm actually thinking about doing away with my hops. They've completely taken over the area where I have them and I just can't keep up anymore no matter what I do it seems. I've got a little over 6 acres, so I'm thinking of starting over at a totally different location. I think I originally started with like 6 rhizomes. Way to much for my needs. Knowing now, and fully understanding how invasive and massive hops can be, I think I could easily get by with 2-3 plants.

They do get carried away. I have 5 to cover the patio and when they are growing the fastest I have to spend some time every evening training and triming. The roots are kept in check with bricks and landscape cloth or it would be unmanageable.
Got some budding out. Should be prime for the fair agin!
Thanks TB! It was a cold spring, so getting off to a slow start this year. Warm weather is finally on the way. Those are plumb trees above me on the west end.
Nice I see the pivot irrigator is one over in the paddock not your land? Looks like a lovely summer's day there.
Nice looking garden. Do you plant anything in the block cells?
That's beautiful. Wish I had a garden like that again.
Nice I see the pivot irrigator is one over in the paddock not your land? Looks like a lovely summer's day there.
That’s my wheel line for irrigating orchard grass. I have to move it every morning and evening. We get to go camping every June and September for a week while the grass is drying out prior to cutting.
That's beautiful. Wish I had a garden like that again.
If I don’t work it and keep it clean it will get full of weed seeds and go to hell really fast. So it’s like an albatross with benefits.
No, I don’t have water drip lines there. But that’s not a bad idea for herbs since they get really warm.
I grew some rosemary in them concrete blocks once it loved it!

Oh here's the results of.some gardening today dug up an old palm stump chopped that out a year ago I wait till It rots back then get stuck into it with a pick. I hate palms them roots get into everything! 1st thing I did when I bought this place is cut all the palms down no planting natives attracts birds and roots are less invasive.
Lots of deer hear and they don’t touch the hops. Maybe cuz there are plenty of other treats for them to feed on.
My new plant!
An acquaintance has a hop plant, but has no idea what it is. He brought me a cutting yesterday. I potted it for now so I can think about where to plant it next spring. My yard is pretty small. He says he knows someone who can at least test to determine the alpha acids. He inherited the plant from his late grandmother, so a bit of a cool factor there. Side note, he grows hops, but he is not a brewer.
My new plant!
An acquaintance has a hop plant, but has no idea what it is. He brought me a cutting yesterday. I potted it for now so I can think about where to plant it next spring. My yard is pretty small. He says he knows someone who can at least test to determine the alpha acids. He inherited the plant from his late grandmother, so a bit of a cool factor there. Side note, he grows hops, but he is not a brewer.
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Nice! In a couple of years it will own that fence. Alpha's vary year to year but to start with a ballpark figure would be cool.
