Homebrew Con Swag Beer


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Aug 29, 2012
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Rosedale, MD
We got a bit of free ingredients at the conference this year, and I'm thinking of what i could put together.
I have:

About 1 lb of Cara rye
About 2-3 oz jarrylo hops
2 packets of dry yeast (Belgian and wheat iirc)

What I've read about the hops suggest a Belgian or saison. Maybe even a simple pale.

Idk if I want this to be my first saison, and I'd like to keep it simple.

I was thinking use pilsner as a base along with the cara rye. Then mostly late addition hops to about 50 IBUs or so. And use the Belgian yeast

Any other ideas?
That's too bitter for most Saisons but it should work. It's a very broad style reflecting Belgian homebrewers of a century or so ago brewing with whatever they could get their hands on. The reason for the champagne bottle packaging is the poor scavenged the bottles from the rich's cast-offs, for example.
I use a Belgian yeast alot just because a family member likes the taste, but just to let you know it does have a slight sweet plumb flavor but its very good I think
