Gladfield Lager.


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Mar 30, 2016
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Palmwoods QLD
Gday all
Off to the local hombrew store this arvo to pick up some DME for my newly arrived Strains of ale and lager yeasties. And to my excitement I found a sack of Gladfield American ale malt sitting on the shop floor. You selling grain now mate I says? Yep is the reply of my previous Extract only hombrew storemans reply. So hence the recipe below my NZ Gladfield Lager. I've been dieing to try out these Kiwi malts for some time so I've combined an all Kiwi malt hop lager to taste the flavours of this close neighbor of mine...
Anyhow any input welcomed cheers!
Though I think your Motueka will make a great beer, I think I might stick to a more neutral hop just to see what the malt profile is like, if it was me. Maybe you've used that hop enough to make a fairly objective comparison.
I'm thinking of doing something similar with a new-to-me malt from our local maltster. Thought about some basic Cascade but might really "dumb it down" and use Crystal...It's a great hop on it's own merits...just very clean and fairly neutral.
Have done a couple of very nice pale's with motueka additions:cool:
Though I think your Motueka will make a great beer, I think I might stick to a more neutral hop just to see what the malt profile is like, if it was me. Maybe you've used that hop enough to make a fairly objective comparison.
I'm thinking of doing something similar with a new-to-me malt from our local maltster. Thought about some basic Cascade but might really "dumb it down" and use Crystal...It's a great hop on it's own merits...just very clean and fairly neutral.
Yes I understand I've got none on hand ATM just this Motueka its parantage is from Saaz family just more citrusy Limey is what I've read about it plus it's from NZ so ties in with this all Kiwi beer.

One thing I can do is move the flame out addition back from 0 minutes to like 5 minutes to try and lessen any strong hop aromas.
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One thing I can do is move the flame out addition back from 0 minutes to like 5 minutes to try and lessen any strong hop aromas.
Yeah...that's a good plan.Though I think you'll have a nice beer on your hands either way. ;)
Yeah...that's a good plan.Though I think you'll have a nice beer on your hands either way. ;)
Cheers i ended up getting 6kg of pils and 2 of munich so will churn out this one first and may make a straight pilsn beer next with a bit of munich for maltiness and throw some sazz or pearl hops at it make it with just 3kg base and maybe 300g munich nice low alcohol brew.
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Cheers i ended up getting 6kg of pils and 2 of munich so will churn out this one first and may make a straight pilsn beer next with a bit of munich for maltiness and throw some sazz or pearl hops at it make it with just 3kg base and maybe 300g munich nice low alcohol brew.
What you're describing should make a really nice amber lager - I'm not really familiar with the Motueka hops but if they're herbal/floral, you'll have a very nice beer out of this.
What you're describing should make a really nice amber lager - I'm not really familiar with the Motueka hops but if they're herbal/floral, you'll have a very nice beer out of this.
Cheers for the feedback the starter is Finnished so maybe I'll get this brew underway later today see how work goes... Looking forward to seeing how this gladfield malt tastes and performs. If you've got time have a read about these maltsters they have the craft beer Industry in mind.
Righto so brewing this baby up now.
So far mashing in i skipped protine rest (@Nosybear ) and went straight to 62.8c it settled beta rest for 40min it smelt real bready and like hay in mashtun. Ive just stepped it up to 69.4c settled fro 30 then ill maah out 74c sparge there so far so good get to try out me wort airator on this lager my aquarium pump on.5 micron stone ill boil this 10 min then soak in sanitizer and throw it in wort when below 20c for half hour.
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What a satisfying brew day! :)
So far this gladfied malt has converted well sparged well even smells fresher and breadier than normal compared to other pilsn malts ive tried from weyerman and dingermans and Aussie Joe White. The kiwi bloke recons thier malts are plumper:). Ive not had a clearer after brew day sample than this leaves me in a positive mood for fermentation.
It was a windy brew day weve had a big bushfire threaten houses nearby and here have i been happily brewing me lager lol. So i ended up with 22lt of wort at 1.044 smack bang right on me numbers! Just get an extral liter of wort for me troubles at 84% efficiency im a happy boy :D.

First pic is pre boil second is post boil


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