Fugged up my Fuggles!!

Ward Chillington

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Mar 24, 2018
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Help! I'm at my cooled wort and ready to transfer and realized I didn't add my Fuggles hops to the last part of the boil!


I'm thinking Dry Hop...I got the Willamette in but pooch screwed the last addition.
that's really the only thing you can do or just add it to the fermentation, it will be fine either way
and off it went! Thanks MB!

Check lists and all but I was foiled by a b:(il :(ver...…...
In future you can just take a little of the wort and re-boil it with the late hops for a small addition. You'll get flavors you won't get from dry-hop.
I've added hops to split batches that way by boiling in sugar or extract that I intend to add to the fermenter. It's a little tricky to calculate IBU contribution but I've gotten good results.
Help! I'm at my cooled wort and ready to transfer and realized I didn't add my Fuggles hops to the last part of the boil!


I'm thinking Dry Hop...I got the Willamette in but pooch screwed the last addition.
Pull a half-gallon out, boil with your hops, cool and add back to the fermentor. Be sure not to splash pr otherwise add air.
