Forum Notifications on your Dashboard Screen


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Jul 8, 2012
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I think it would be cool if you could include that little bell and Inbox that notifies you of forum activity on the Dashboard screen as well as the forum screen. - The Dashboard is my main screen for Brewer's Friend and I assume it is the same for many new brewers - thus, there were times I missed conversations or replies to threads because I had never realized that I had to go back to the forum to see notifications. (Obviously, I now know better but I think other new folks won't and they'll miss out on forum responses because they didn't realize they had any).

What do you think? Doable? Crazy talk? :)
I second this. I basically keep two tabs open so that if I'm searching recipes or whatnot I can go back and forth to the forum to check alerts without losing my place. Having the alerts on the dashboard would be slightly more convenient. Definitely more of a want than a need though.
That's a good idea! We do have separation between the forum and the brewing software so I'm not sure how hard it would be to integrate it- but I'll definitely throw it out there for a new feature.
Don't go tempting fate. Leave well enough alone. The constant need to add bells and whistles is what made the recipe calculator go from the front-runner to "also ran".
Don't go tempting fate. Leave well enough alone. The constant need to add bells and whistles is what made the recipe calculator go from the front-runner to "also ran".
I second this...
The priority right now are the projects outlined on the announcements, but we've opened a ticket for this and will place in the update pipeline as more pressing priorities are resolved.
