Hey everyone been incognito for a bit,had to burn up some vacation days before year end, off till after New Year and spending some quality daddy baby time
Now time to knock out some trial batches, been stuck on this one, I want to stay within the style guidelines
Any thoughts?
Oh the Clementine IPA finally done, I thought the Clementine was a little reserved, but my brother in law who has a pretty decent palette;said he would drink it all day and it had a great balance of flavor a good summer brew.
I'll take it as a win since I don't drink IPA's often.
1st Irish red Ale
Irish Red Ale
All Grain (3.00 gal) ABV: 4.89 %
OG: 1.051 SG FG: 1.014 SG
IBUs: 18.9 IBUs Color: 14.7 SRM
By: Greg Allen
• Ingredients
9.6 oz - Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L
Mash addition (10.2%) - 60.0 SRM
1.9 oz - Roasted Barley
Mash addition (2.0%) - 300.0 SRM
5 lb - Pale Malt (2 Row) US
Mash addition (84.7%) - 3.1 SRM
2.9 oz - Biscuit Malt
Mash addition (3.1%) - 23.0 SRM
0.60 oz - East Kent Goldings (EKG)
Boil 60 min (18.9 IBUs)
0.25 tsp - Irish Moss
Boil 10 min
1 pkg - Safale American
DCL/Fermentis #US-05
• Profiles for Recipe
My stuff 3.0 gallons
View Equipment Profile
BIAB, Full Body
View Mash Profile
Ale, Single Stage
View Fermentation profile
Hope everyone is enjoying their Holiday season and wishing all a Happy New Year full of great brews,great friends and happiness
Now time to knock out some trial batches, been stuck on this one, I want to stay within the style guidelines
Any thoughts?
Oh the Clementine IPA finally done, I thought the Clementine was a little reserved, but my brother in law who has a pretty decent palette;said he would drink it all day and it had a great balance of flavor a good summer brew.
I'll take it as a win since I don't drink IPA's often.
1st Irish red Ale
Irish Red Ale
All Grain (3.00 gal) ABV: 4.89 %
OG: 1.051 SG FG: 1.014 SG
IBUs: 18.9 IBUs Color: 14.7 SRM
By: Greg Allen
• Ingredients
9.6 oz - Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L
Mash addition (10.2%) - 60.0 SRM
1.9 oz - Roasted Barley
Mash addition (2.0%) - 300.0 SRM
5 lb - Pale Malt (2 Row) US
Mash addition (84.7%) - 3.1 SRM
2.9 oz - Biscuit Malt
Mash addition (3.1%) - 23.0 SRM
0.60 oz - East Kent Goldings (EKG)
Boil 60 min (18.9 IBUs)
0.25 tsp - Irish Moss
Boil 10 min
1 pkg - Safale American
DCL/Fermentis #US-05
• Profiles for Recipe
My stuff 3.0 gallons
View Equipment Profile
BIAB, Full Body
View Mash Profile
Ale, Single Stage
View Fermentation profile
Hope everyone is enjoying their Holiday season and wishing all a Happy New Year full of great brews,great friends and happiness