Eden's Barley Syrup Ale?


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Nov 24, 2017
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I got 7 bottles (20 oz each) of Eden's organic barley syrup for FREE. Will it fernent? The site says it is 76% maltose. A local brew store guy said it was "caramelized" and would not ferment. It is dark so I have 1# of Carapils and 1# of 20 degree caramal malt grains. Tons of hops and some DME. Want to make a 4.5% dark ale with 35 IBU. THANKS!
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I would try a test first add a teaspoon to water stir then add yeast to see if it bubbles up
Does it say anything about sulfites or metabisulfite? Both are added as stabilizers but it shouldn't be required for that thick of a syrup. Caramelization has nothing to do with fermentability, to the great benefit of some of the best beers in the world.
Does it say anything about sulfites or metabisulfite? Both are added as stabilizers but it shouldn't be required for that thick of a syrup. Caramelization has nothing to do with fermentability, to the great benefit of some of the best beers in the world.

It is "ORGANIC". From their site: "The sugar profile of EDEN Organic Barley Malt Syrup is approximately 74.5 percent maltose, 18.9 percent glucose, 2.6 percent sucrose, and 3.9 percent fructose." Only listed ingredient is barley. Thanks.
In other words, it's malt extract with a fancy label. Should work fine. Next time just look for malt extract and avoid paying the premium for "organic" and small bottles. The yeast do not care and you won't be able to tell the difference.
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In other words, it's malt extract with a fancy label. Should work fine. Next time just look for malt extract and avoid paying the premium for "organic" and small bottles. The yeast do not care and you won't be able to tell the difference.

Agreed. It was FREE TO ME! I never met a sugar molecule I didn't want to ferment - except honey: takes TOO LONG.
Free is good. If a LHBS had sold you that, I was going to ask for their name to get the boycott started.
except honey: takes TOO LONG.
Honey shouldn't take any longer than any other sugar. I've put it in the primary as a yeast-feed and it goes to FG within a few days at most, same as when I've used table sugar or brown sugar or Belgian candi-sugar.
Have you made mead before? That took a few months for me.
Have you made mead before?
I personally don't find mead a particularly desirable drink. If God had really intended for us to drink beer made from honey, he'd have made bees the size of pelicans. :D:D:D

...and given the context of honey as an adjunct in beer, I'd wager that most would agree that it will behave much the same as any fermentable sugar.
Have you made mead before? That took a few months for me.
It takes months to condition but no longer than any other sugar to ferment. Airlock burping at 8 months is not a good sign, my friend. Sometimes that happens with wine. If we're lucky it's malolactic fermentation, if not we end up with a carboy full of nail polish remover, which reminds me a lot of some of the meads I've tried!
It happened both times I tried to make mead, so I stopped trying. Both batches had the flavor of alcohol burn. It was very dry. If I recall, around 15% ABV. I didn’t like it straight, but it was great mixed with apple or grape juice.
I got 7 bottles (20 oz each) of Eden's organic barley syrup for FREE. Will it fernent? The site says it is 76% maltose. A local brew store guy said it was "caramelized" and would not ferment. It is dark so I have 1# of Carapils and 1# of 20 degree caramal malt grains. Tons of hops and some DME. Want to make a 4.5% dark ale with 35 IBU. THANKS!

Brewed well. Recipe online now. Should be ready for New Year's Eve. Will get back with results.
