(DONE) Small bug in Yeast Pitching Calculator


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Sep 27, 2012
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I found a small bug in the yeast pitching calculator. If you mark the "Starter - Step 2" or "Starter Step 3" then go to another page and hit BACK on your browser, the checkbox gets out of sync, ie. it may be marked but the step info is not displayed or vice-versa. You can see this in the screenshot:

In the screenshot you can see that Step 2 is checked but closed and Step 3 is unchecked but open.
I guess the problem is that the page opens/closes the info when the checkbox is clicked ("onClick"), regardless of what the actual value of the checkbox is.

I'm running Chrome (Version 24.0.1312.52) on Debian.


  • brewersfriend-step_checkbox_bug.png
    58.8 KB · Views: 1,153
Re: Small bug in Yeast Pitching Calculator

Drat those back button bugs!!!! We'll check it out.
Re: Small bug in Yeast Pitching Calculator

This is really a small bug and maybe not even worth splatting it. Even though things get reverted, it still works. ;)

I just noticed it because I went to read the yeast starter article and then moved back.
Re: Small bug in Yeast Pitching Calculator

Checkboxes are the devil when it comes to web programming :evil:
Re: Small bug in Yeast Pitching Calculator

Firefox and Chrome act differently when the back button is used, going back to a page that has form or sections rendered with AJAX. We've spent a good deal of time smoothing that out in the recipe editor, and the recipe search page. Hopefully this one is simple, but as you say it is minor. That said our belief is to fix bugs first before writing new code.
Re: Small bug in Yeast Pitching Calculator

Just noticed another thing in the same scope. The "Yeast Type" field also behaves in a similar way. If you press "Back" on Chrome (at least), it still shows my previously selected "Liquid Yeast", but below it, it shows the options for dry yeast instead.
Re: (NEXT RELEASE) Small bug in Yeast Pitching Calculator

The back button bugs described will be fixed in the next release. Turns out on Chrome and Safari were getting into the confused page state after navigating away and then coming back to the calculator. IE and Firefox reset the form from scratch when navigating back to it.

Thanks for reporting it!

Also, liquid yeast will now be the default.
Re: (NEXT RELEASE) Small bug in Yeast Pitching Calculator

Great! Thanks for fixing it. Also, I like the idea of making liquid yeast the default, as that's probably the most used option (with the calculator anyway). ;)
This is fixed! Thanks again for reporting it.
