(DONE) Older recipe mash unit loading as default

Ozarks Mountain Brewery

Lifetime Member
Staff member
Established Member
Nov 20, 2012
Reaction score
just letting people know that now that the gallons has been added, if you go to your settings and pick gallons as your default, the older recipes before this change will still have the quarts listed in the blank but be set to gallons so it will look like 22 gallons instead of 5.5 when viewing the recipe in the mash section, simple fix just change it in all your recipes, " Love this auto calculate feature" Larry :D
Re: Older recipes not updated to the gallons correct

Doh! We will look into correcting this. Thanks for the notification.
Re: (NEXT RELEASE) Older recipe mash unit loading as default

This will be fixed in the next release. The issue only impacts users who set their default mash thickness to gallons.
Re: (NEXT RELEASE) Older recipe mash unit loading as default

thanks man
Re: (NEXT RELEASE) Older recipe mash unit loading as default

opera has this thing about getting rid of all pop-ups period good or bad, most of the time I love this feature except certain times like on this site

I use it because I love the mail and rss feeds feature as well as the browser all in one
