Cracked Erlenmeyer Flask!


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Mar 30, 2016
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Palmwoods QLD
Gday brewers you wouldnt believe it my flask just made a cloud Crack noise! Its got a fair crack running along the bottom what theo_O. They aint ment to do this eh? I thought they were as tough as nails...

Anyone else evee managed to do something like this.

Im still boiling in it atm. Is it still safe to use? I took it off the stove and emptied the condense into another pot inspected it put preassuer on it it seems to hold so i put it back on stove. Anyway im darned dissapointed in it thats for sure :oops: think i need a new one now.
Yeah so it didnt last:oops:. I started chilling it down and then the whole lot gave way a total waste of time and wort. Looks like im up for a new flask.
Although they're rated to go from boil to chill, I still am cautious when using them.
I'll start with cold water and DME, slowly bring it to a boil, shut off and then rest it on a piece of Granite or Concrete for a while before putting it in cool water to get it to pitching temp.
Good Luck,
Yeah so it didnt last:oops:. I started chilling it down and then the whole lot gave way a total waste of time and wort. Looks like im up for a new flask.
I figured that was going to happen with that crack. Usually when those things crack, it's not long before they go. At least you only lost wort and not your yeast or anything.
Must be something in the air... Broke my flask a couple weeks ago on a Friday night while cleaning for a starter. Thankfully my LHBS was still open and had them in stock. I have a fair inventory of duplicate items for that "just in case" moment, and a back up flask is next on the list.
Change in temp will make any flaw a fatal one. Vaguely possible that it might have lasted through a slow cool-down, but even that was unlikely. Assume you'll get short lifespan out of anything glass. I don't know how many hydrometer jars I've bought. :oops:;)
Will go and pick another one up today. Ive got a back up flask the first one i bought but quickly realsied id gone to small in a 1 lt Erlenmeyer Flask. Ill buy another 3 lt flask and try and be kind to this one:p.

Yes im glad it didnt give way with my new yeast in it wouldnt of been good:).
I cracked mine the other day, came with a glass stopper lid, and I was using hot water and PBW in it, popped the lid on and shook it up to sanitize everything. left it to sit for a second in the sink, and CRACK. the whole upper part cracked and exploded in my sink.
What the:eek:! That aint supposed to happen right? I mean their hailed as near bullet proof in that you can go straight from.boiling to ice water asap. Not that i do this but that gave me the impression that this glass is pretty versatile.. maybe not so much it seems.
Anyhow i got me new flask and a 2 lt growler from LHBS so saison is back on track...
just gotta go dig that stir bar outta the trub on my lasr brew:rolleyes: yea aint gunna happen this one is gunna be shaken not stirred lol.


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