Gday all I've found me a new beer blog
I don't know if any of youse have given this site a look but I think it's well worth your while a well detailed blog on many different tasty looking beer with pictures lol
Anyhow to the point I saw this chocolate coffee stout recipe on there that I'm salvavating at the mouth to brew especially since my recent disaster of racking my porter onto starssan I'm looking at pitching this one into that garden
Anywho I thought I'd share the recipe here for youse peps to have a look and to get some feedback if needed. The recipe to me looks pretty solid. On his blog some brewers are saying they aren't getting big chocolate from the nibs so I'm thinking of maybe upping this a bit. Anyhow here she is...
I don't know if any of youse have given this site a look but I think it's well worth your while a well detailed blog on many different tasty looking beer with pictures lol
Anyhow to the point I saw this chocolate coffee stout recipe on there that I'm salvavating at the mouth to brew especially since my recent disaster of racking my porter onto starssan I'm looking at pitching this one into that garden
Anywho I thought I'd share the recipe here for youse peps to have a look and to get some feedback if needed. The recipe to me looks pretty solid. On his blog some brewers are saying they aren't getting big chocolate from the nibs so I'm thinking of maybe upping this a bit. Anyhow here she is...