So finally entering in to my first brew competetion later this month start or april in Harvey Bay East Coast Australia.
Going to enter my current german bohimian pilsner and my last Berrie saison. The Berrie saison aint got the colour but has some faint berries and plenty of head retention and plenty of Saison attributes I think. Which is amazing how clean it tastes accounting for the fermentation temperature.
Cheers wish me good brewing luck even though what is done is done.
For competition im thinking just two tallies each from keg using home made counter pressure filler using carb cap and rubber bottle filler over ridged bottle filler.
My guess is chill beer to coldest before transfering beer to bottles and bottles at same temperarure.
The local homebrew store is holding a beer tasting competition so why not enter and see how i stand amongst my aussie brewing comrades
Going to enter my current german bohimian pilsner and my last Berrie saison. The Berrie saison aint got the colour but has some faint berries and plenty of head retention and plenty of Saison attributes I think. Which is amazing how clean it tastes accounting for the fermentation temperature.
Cheers wish me good brewing luck even though what is done is done.
For competition im thinking just two tallies each from keg using home made counter pressure filler using carb cap and rubber bottle filler over ridged bottle filler.
My guess is chill beer to coldest before transfering beer to bottles and bottles at same temperarure.
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