Best Brew of 2019!


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Mar 16, 2017
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I saw this somewhere on Facebook, so I can’t take credit for the heading. That being said, I liked the idea and thought it would be cool to see what everyone’s favorite or best beer that they brewed in 2019.

I’ll Start with my favorite and best brew of 2019 and it was our latest batch of our Vanilla Porter. We brewed this twice this year and once last year and plan to brew it again in early 2020.
Really small field to choose from,but I think this years version of Cooper'd Barleywine turned out the best out of the 3years I've done it. First version that I adjusted the water for, and i had some extra dme on hand too
I would have to say Nautical Star was my most enjoyable, best brew this year. The Munich Dunkel I am still trying to not sample too much, may be right up there along side it. It's tasting mighty delicious so far.
The stout recipe I got from J A....thanks again guy and Happy New Year y'all!
After some tweaking early in the year I ended up with a house APA and a house IPA. The Baseline IPA (house IPA) was my favorite this year. (recipe below) Nautical Star came in second.


  • Baseline IPA.pdf
    237 KB · Views: 199
Yeah that Nautical Star was really delicious but because I'm Bias And will be making this first brew this year the Dark Knight Lager I did might just pip it.

Gunna do a bit of a brewtorial with a totally green brewer this sat on this recipe. He is a craft beer drinker but has never seen a brew being made so keen to introduce him to the rabbit hole ;).
Love to see the responses. Great idea for a topic.

Like Mase, my favorite beer of the year was my Vanilla Porter, vII. My first attempt was pretty decent for a Porter, but left the vanilla way short. Second time was the charm. Now to see if I have the brewing skills to repeat it..

Honorable mention to a Saison, which was way better than it should have been for a first crack at that type of beer.

On the flip side, an English Pale that I brewed was the worst...missed all my numbers, left the body of the beer lacking, fermented too warm and got the yeast all in a huff. Drank it anyway. :)
Went on an Amber kick last fall and put one in the recipe book with a big "Don't change a thing!" But have to say that Janets Brown is my fave both this year and last. It has a great hop/malt balance to me and my brew partner.
Went on an Amber kick last fall and put one in the recipe book with a big "Don't change a thing!" But have to say that Janets Brown is my fave both this year and last. It has a great hop/malt balance to me and my brew partner.

I received 'Brewing Classic Styles" for Christmas and Janet's Brown will be the next beer I brew!
I received 'Brewing Classic Styles" for Christmas and Janet's Brown will be the next beer I brew!
Pay close attention to volumes and weights. The all grain option is there. I have a 10gal MT so I have to scale it down to an 8gal batch to make grain fit in tun. Safe 05 or wyeast 1056 or cal 01 all work fine if you pitch plenty of yeast.
Went on an Amber kick last fall and put one in the recipe book with a big "Don't change a thing!" But have to say that Janets Brown is my fave both this year and last. It has a great hop/malt balance to me and my brew partner.
Have been wanting to do a classic amber; would you share the recipe?

I trend more toward the darker porter/stout and anything Belgian. Time to expand the pallet. Cheers!
