Another Blowout

Ozarks Mountain Brewery

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Established Member
Nov 20, 2012
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I hope, not sure whats been happening but massive fermentation the last few beers, this is good

How much head space are you leaving?
How big was your starter?
this is the same vessel I have always used its a 13 gallon vessel and I left 1 gallon head space, Ive never had a blow out with this
BRY-97 is one of my least favourite yeasts .
Had it do nothing when pitched dry twice and stalled with a starter once .
Yours is working away though so I might give it another chance one day
I haven't brewed a batch yet that doesn't require a blow off tube. I have at least 1.25 gallons of headspace in a 6.5 gallon fermenter. We do yeast starters two days before brewday and yeasties are going full tilt within 8 hours consistently.
only difference lately is Im brewing very low alcohol beer and using 1 pound each of table sugar and brown sugar to bring it up to 4% so the yeasties must be loving that sugar combo
