Just joined this site and had a question. I have a extract recipe for an IPA that calls for 2oz of cascade at 60, 1 oz at 30 and 1oz at 5. I've also just been given about 8oz. of simcoe that I would like to work into this recipe. I was thinking of staying with the cascade as described and then doing 2oz. simcoe at post flameout and then dry hop with 3oz. I love hoppy beers. Any thoughts on the above plan would be appreciated.
Just joined this site and had a question. I have a extract recipe for an IPA that calls for 2oz of cascade at 60, 1 oz at 30 and 1oz at 5. I've also just been given about 8oz. of simcoe that I would like to work into this recipe. I was thinking of staying with the cascade as described and then doing 2oz. simcoe at post flameout and then dry hop with 3oz. I love hoppy beers. Any thoughts on the above plan would be appreciated.