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  1. Angry Chemist

    Additional Victory to Extract Kit - Suggestions?

    I'm brewing a dunkelweizen this weekend and i'm looking to increase the bready character somewhat. I'm relatively new to brewing so I'm trying to determine how much malt I should steep. The steeping grains included in the Deep Dark Wheat Extract Kit from Midwest are 8oz carapils and 8 oz...
  2. Angry Chemist

    Heady Topper Clone/Vermont Ale Yeast

    I'm 20 days into fermentation with this Off the Topper 5 gallon extract kit from Northern Brewer. Everything has gone pretty smooth and for the first time I'm trying my hand at temperature control using an upright freezer. I pitched on 4/9/17 right at 70F. OG = 1.070. I held it at 70F...
  3. Angry Chemist

    Infection? red ale and choc milk stout

    I recently brewed a one gallon red ale from extract and then a few weeks later a 5 gallon chocolate milk stout. The red ale kit came with sugar drops for carbonation. This beer didn't car well at all, seems to "fizz" quite a bit, almost sparkly. It had little if any head retention, which I...
  4. Angry Chemist

    Question about tiny bubbles in secondary...

    I'm a newbie to home brewing. I have 2-5 gal extract brews and 2-1 gal extract brews under my belt; so, I still have a lot to learn. My third extract kit is a 5 gal milk stout and it's in the last stages of secondary - I plan to bottle tomorrow. The middle of last week, 8 days ago, I added...
