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  • Trialben no more GFHOMEBREW here we are.
    That was the old hombrewer this is the new a new chapter in hombrewing here we are.
    Gluten Free.

    I'm a Ceoliac as of Christmas 2022.

    So changed my screen name as thus GFHOMEBREW gluten free homebrew.

    Maybe Trialbens Trials and tribulations in gluten free hombrewing trust me I've had plenty of trial and error when it comes to gluten free brewing.
    There's not a tun of information out there and taking up malting then tackling enzyme usage has been an absolutely mind blowing rabbit hole l.
    Woah! Huge props on sticking with it! Gluten Free it is.
    You should check out Homebrew: Beyond the Basics - I love the book! It does have 1 or 2 Gluten Free recipes in it if I do recall. They sue White Sorgum Syrup... One was a Beligian Dubble... The other was like a pale ale or IPA?
    Het Ben WTF is going on with your police? Just reading about what is going down in Melbourne... There will be deaths soon. Why is your government turning against the people and why is the police helping them?
    Not sure man that's an protest about vaccinations I think in construction industry.
    Following airlines and other industries on mandatory vaccinations. I expected this. A way of putting the squeeze on those who dont wanna get a vaccine. Also I'm sure football and sporting avents wont allow unvaced patrons into events.
    Crazy shoit I know crazy times
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