Appliance Purchase - Sears Not Recommended


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Jul 16, 2012
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I'm on the phone right now waiting for a supervisor in Sears' call center - have been for a good half-hour. Here's the story: My lagering fridge, worth every penny I paid for it, went out a while back. So we bought one from Sears on sale for a nice price. Since then here are the high points:

- The delivery was supposed to be between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm. They showed up at 9:00 pm.
- At some point they scratched the door. Needless to say, they didn't tell me.
- The next night, my daughter pointed out the scratches.
- I got online, tried to use the chat function to report the damage. It didn't work.
- I called tonight. And have been informed several times that they have a three day policy on cosmetic damages.
- They're sending me a tube of touch-up paint.

Now estimate the likelihood that I will shop at Sears again.
Interesting. I didn't even know Sears still existed.
Aurora is one of their few remaining stores. Their service is indicative to me of why they nearly do not exist. Had I bought the fridge from Amazon, they'd have sent a team to pick it up.
Oddly enough, one of my teenage sons works at one of the very few remaining Kmarts here in Loveland.
But you're right, Amazon would probably have you taken care of by now.
It's too bad really. Sears used to be a great store. Once upon a time, I liked Craftsman tools.
I'm on the phone right now waiting for a supervisor in Sears' call center - have been for a good half-hour. Here's the story: My lagering fridge, worth every penny I paid for it, went out a while back. So we bought one from Sears on sale for a nice price. Since then here are the high points:

- The delivery was supposed to be between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm. They showed up at 9:00 pm.
- At some point they scratched the door. Needless to say, they didn't tell me.
- The next night, my daughter pointed out the scratches.
- I got online, tried to use the chat function to report the damage. It didn't work.
- I called tonight. And have been informed several times that they have a three day policy on cosmetic damages.
- They're sending me a tube of touch-up paint.

Now estimate the likelihood that I will shop at Sears again.
Hope the paints a match :p! Sorry shouldn't laugh...
It's a bit sad really, and maybe a bit weird to be thinking about, but Sears (and others like Montgomery Ward) were like the 'go to' places to some of us that have been around awhile. I know I'm not the only one who went back to school shopping here every year for my new pairs of Toughskins! I also remember all us kids waiting for the new catalogs to come out, and searching through them and circling things we wished and hoped Santa would bring us. Clothes, appliances, tires, even houses. Kinda sad really to see such entities just disappear.
I remember the Sears catalogue as a teenager.
As do I.... I've bought appliances from them before and they've stood by their products. I guess bankruptcy and store closings drive you to cut costs, particularly service....
Come to think of it I remember the big book in the outhouse serving a second purpose. Prior year's volume of course.

Don't remember them actually in the outhouse, but often heard that they were used until "non-skids" appeared. I do remember the corn cobs too. Use a red cob and then a white one to see if you need another red one :)
