Should I warm it up?


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Mar 14, 2018
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Hey Guys
My Lagunitas clone has been fermenting at around 65F for 12 days now, and is down to 1016, target is 1012. Should I warn it up a bit, or let it ride? This is my first batch in temperature controlled fermentation. I am quite happy to let it ride, just wondering what you guys think.
Yes sir!
Thanks buddy
Depending on the yeast and your mash temp, you may not get more than that. Doesn't hurt to swirl and raise with highly flocculent yeasts but if it's Chico strain and it hasn't hit target by now, it probably won't. A fermentation temp of 65 is not too cool for any yeast.
You'll probably put a Kveik to sleep at that temperature, but that's an outlier.
Yeast is S05, and mash temp was 152 or 153, not concerned about the fermentation progress, just feeling out fermenting at a consistent temperature for the first time. Up until now I have been fermenting at room temperature, 70 to 73, but of course the temperature was much higher than that considering the heat from those nutty yeasties!
12 days primary well your into secondary/keg time in my dodge brew house. 2nd Ozarks response let it free rise or hit the heat belt and swirl you may get some more points. CHICO should be done by 12 days from what I've experienced but I'm a man of little patience so dont take my word for it:p!
Yeast is S05, and mash temp was 152 or 153, not concerned about the fermentation progress, just feeling out fermenting at a consistent temperature for the first time.
It's not a temp thing. You just got a bum FG on this batch.
Since you don't list recipe there may be a lot of crystal that's not contributing to fermentable. Mash PH can have a lot of impact on FG as well. And you don't mention what your OG was...all these factors play into the "problem" and inform any solution that might be brought to bear. If it was an accurate clone recipe and turned out like most Lagunitas beers, the higher FG is part of the package.
I haven't had a chance to give it a swirl and let it warm up, will do that tonight. I will check the gravity again on Sunday, and go from there. Thanks for all of the input. I jacked up the hops on brew day, I doubled all of the brew day hop additions:D. Sample tasted real nice when I checked the gravity the other day. Here is the recipe.
Oof...over 100 ibus for a .061 beer is awfully bitter. I'd say you should hope it doesn't attenuate any further. Higher FG will balance the hops better. ;)
Can't fault your grain bill though your listed mash temperature seems on the high side for an IPA.
Thanks JA, on brew day I got a little excited and doubled up the FW and boil hop amounts :confused:. I think I will brew this recipe again this week, after I reset the hop additions. What mash temp should i shoot for?
Usually 152 is a reasonable single infusion. since you're using carapils and a reasonable bit of crystal, you could go a little lower. My default is 148 but if I don't raise temp quickly enough for dextrine rest, I don't always get the body I'd like. Don't forget that the temp in the mash isn't consistent. Measure in several different spots. Also, don't forget that it's the liquid that matters. If you're raising the temp of the liquid and waiting for the grain to catch up, the enzymatic action is occuring at the higher temp within the liquid.
Don't overthink. Don't go making a lot of changes based on one batch, either. Measure consistently and take notes. If 152 is giving you consistently under-attenuated beers, measure the same way and shoot for 148-150.
Thanks JA, after I gave it a swirl and warmed it up to 70F it came down two more points to 1014. Earlier tonight I set the temp to 31F to crash it, will likely keg it Tuesday night. I will shoot for a starting mash temp of 150 next brew. I find that I usually lose 2F over a 60 minute mash, so would expect to end up at 148 (notwithstanding the stratification of temperature in the tun). Thanks again, I appreciate the help and advice!
