What are you drinking right now?

They are some of my harshest critics and I love them for it. Both the beers I took over got, "I like the beginning but didn't like the end." And I agree with them lol
Hopefully they were more specific about the end they don't like. Hard to correct something when you don't know (or at least have an idea) about what to correct. My understanding is that a Kolsch will tend to have a lingering mix of bitter and sour aftertaste? The only Kolsh I've ever done was a Brewer's Best kit, and that was well before I understood the importance of complete fermentation or really before I had a clue what was going on in the chemistry/biology. My only attempt was WAY too malty for a Kolsch, quite possibly a complete failure. I'm assuming the clarity came from lagering. That's a pretty glass of beer.

This latest batch of Leffe is somewhat citrusy and sour on the first mouthful, but that gets hidden by the fact it's heavy on wheat which tends to make a beer very 'sweet' tasting to me. No lingering taste at all. Still learning, and havin' a good time doing it.
Hopefully they were more specific about the end they don't like. Hard to correct something when you don't know (or at least have an idea) about what to correct. My understanding is that a Kolsch will tend to have a lingering mix of bitter and sour aftertaste? The only Kolsh I've ever done was a Brewer's Best kit, and that was well before I understood the importance of complete fermentation or really before I had a clue what was going on in the chemistry/biology. My only attempt was WAY too malty for a Kolsch, quite possibly a complete failure. I'm assuming the clarity came from lagering. That's a pretty glass of beer.

This latest batch of Leffe is somewhat citrusy and sour on the first mouthful, but that gets hidden by the fact it's heavy on wheat which tends to make a beer very 'sweet' tasting to me. No lingering taste at all. Still learning, and havin' a good time doing it.
I knew the beers were flawed and I'm pretty sure I know what happened. It's nice to get any feedback to help me dial the beers in. For instance, I think I added the hops too late in the kolsch, there was too much citrusy aroma and flavor for the style. But I wouldn't have known that without my taste testers input :)
I knew the beers were flawed and I'm pretty sure I know what happened. It's nice to get any feedback to help me dial the beers in. For instance, I think I added the hops too late in the kolsch, there was too much citrusy aroma and flavor for the style. But I wouldn't have known that without my taste testers input :)
I’ll volunteer to sample the goods, all in the name of quality assurance, of course.

Having a minute on the back deck with a Leffe Abbey blonde while weather permits after making a better lifting handle for my new FastFerment 7G conical that Santa brought me. Nice day today, about 55F and sunny with a mild breeze. Still too wet to run the tractor around on the lawn tho. Got heaps of azalea bushes to prune and weather ain’t cooperating.
Oh that looks great megary you knock out some perty looking brews man!
“Perty” must be the Aussie spelling. We say “purty” in LA (Lower Alabama). Sorta like calling Cape Jervis Cape Jarvis, I guess.

Knucklehead neighbor decided to try to burn mulched leaves again. We’re allowed to burn from November to May around here, but I don’t try to bur leaves. I only burn wood waste to minimize the smoke and fly ash because I respect my neighbors enough to not smoke them outta their house or cover their cars with ashes. One would think a fireman would know chopped up leaves are only going to smolder. For DAYS. Gonna get run off my deck with leaf smoke.
“Perty” must be the Aussie spelling. We say “purty” in LA (Lower Alabama). Sorta like calling Cape Jervis Cape Jarvis, I guess.

Knucklehead neighbor decided to try to burn mulched leaves again. We’re allowed to burn from November to May around here, but I don’t try to bur leaves. I only burn wood waste to minimize the smoke and fly ash because I respect my neighbors enough to not smoke them outta their house or cover their cars with ashes. One would think a fireman would know chopped up leaves are only going to smolder. For DAYS. Gonna get run off my deck with leaf smoke.
Ah yeah that's it purty mate I'm a crap speller don't take any of my spelling as Aussie punctuation :)
Got heaps of azalea bushes to prune and weather ain’t cooperating.
Little late for that, the tips have (latent) flowers on them, so they won't bloom as well next spring. Best to prune them 2-4 weeks after the flowers are gone.

Then again, you didn't ask! :p
