Well, at least they asked.....

Ward Chillington

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Mar 24, 2018
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I got this in my news feed this morning and thought I'd share. Rather than just shake my head, I wanted to find something positive in this other then being positive that these people were just stupid! All I can say is that I'm glad they thought to consult Dr. Google!


Google news has a "full coverage" tag on it so that's the same story from many sources....I counted at least a dozen before I started shaking my head....
Yes, people are stupid...but some pretty funny memes have been circulating for almost a week now, and they probably took them serious too. :D
i.e. (hope this one isn't supposed to be racist...)

Anyone who believes there is a link between Corona beer and coronavirus should be permanently barred from engaging in sexual activity in the hopes that they do not breed. The creators of the meme, on the other hand, are genius!
Members of the, if breathing wasn't an involuntary function, they would have been still born, group. This group seems to be growing exponentially.
LOL..ROF......I didn't know that was a group....is it too late to get THAT on the census?
LOL..ROF......I didn't know that was a group....is it too late to get THAT on the census?

They'll either be counted or the census will come up way short. I guess if the census can't ask if you're a citizen, they won't be able to ask if you're brain dead either, so their numbers won't be categorized :)
They'll either be counted or the census will come up way short. I guess if the census can't ask if you're a citizen, they won't be able to ask if you're brain dead either, so their numbers won't be categorized :)
And I had pondered the notion of being a census taker when I read a local article about it. NOT! (Too many weird folks out there)
And I had pondered the notion of being a census taker when I read a local article about it. NOT! (Too many weird folks out there)

I could be entertaining, but you'd probably need to be well armed :)
From my line of work entering people's houses and having a good snoop around for termites (yeah I'm not a cop) I find it's all about how you approach them. A little respect goes along way:) and then there's just getting the job done and getting the hell out of there ha!
Yeah I heard they were not letting any Tsingtao out of the country...…..kidding...just kidding
