Vacation Brew!

The Brew Mentor

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Aug 19, 2012
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I'll be going on vacation soon and thought it'd be fun to brew without bringing anything other than ingredients.
The plan is to brew the day I get to my vacation destination.
All the beer brewed will be consumed on day 5 or 6!
Here's my recipe
Comments 1st, then I'll fill you in on how I plan on pulling it off!
Looks reasonable enough to me. I guess lugging 20 lbs or so of grain in your suitcase isn't the best way to start a vacation
looks good I'm in a light mood myself, since it was such a hit I'm brewing 20 gallons of my low alcohol bleach blond Monday
Who knows brew mentor you may not even need to lug the LME you could visit the local brew store and pick up supplies there. Have you checked if there is any hombrew stores near your vacation destination.
you guys didn't read the recipe I guess did you lol
1-3 pound bag of dme is defiantly suit case ready
I did quickly I thought it was liquid extract ah either way I'd be wanting to check out the local homebrew store as part of me holidays anyhow:).

First thing I did when I moved down here to Queensland was find all the local brew stores
Is your EKG really 6.1AA?? Jeez, I have a leftover ounce in my fridge and they're down at 3.8

sounds like an easy brew day.
Kind of funny nobody asked what you intend to use for vessels. Without knowing your destination I couldn't even guess. Have fun with it!
OK, Here's the plan;
I'll arrive at my destination (Hilton Head) ~4 pm Saturday evening.
I'll do a quick inventory of the pots and pans and taste the water. If I detect that the water is treated and or soft or not pleasant, I'll plan on picking up some spring water. Also, if there isn't a 4 gallon pot, I'll buy my spring water in a 5 gallon returnable bottle AKA carboy.
Most beach houses have some form of a steamer pot and that is what I intend to use.
After getting settled, I'll boil up 3 or so( no measurements) gallons of water, I'll keep the lid on initially to insure its sanitary and then remove it and continue to boil for a few minutes to reduce and or remove any chlorine. Remove from heat and add the DME. Stir in and return to boil. Then I'll add the hops and boil for 16 minutes to make sure it falls into style guidelines.
After the boil, I'll chill in a sink of cold water until it feels cold enough to pitch.
The plan is to ferment in the boil pot. Sanitized lid on and the pot covered with a towel or a garbage bag.
I'll put the pot by an AC vent and build a shroud to keep it cool. A cardboard box from the grocery store should do the job.
This being a lower gravity beer, and pitching a healthy yeast, I'm expecting fermentation to be near finished in 3 days. I'm also using a high flocing yeast which drops like a rock in 3 days.
I'll visually judge when fermentation is subsiding and likely Wednesday be ready to bottle.
This will be interesting because I need enough fermentables to properly carbonate the beer.
I think as soon as the krausen starts to show sins of dropping is when I'll bottle.
Bottling will be in 2 liter soda bottles that i'll pour a little boiling water into to sanitize. I'll use whatever type of funnel they have and pour from the pot into the bottles. re-cap the bottles and leave at room temperature for a day. This should a be perfect amount of recovered CO2 for an English beer.
This should be Wednesday.
I'll put 1/2 the batch in the Fridge on Wednesday night for Thursday's consumption, and the other 1/2 in the fridge in Thursday for Friday's consumption.

now you realize the plan may change based on how much fun you have ;) but thats a good start, oh and that pot they have is for crab clam or lobster boils, mighty tasty when drinking on vacation :) oysters are even better
just a word of advice. those too good to be true island girls that come on to you are just sales women for the local bars meant to lurer you in and spend all your money, if you know this ahead of time you can actually have some fun and not spend a dime ;)
Is your EKG really 6.1AA?? Jeez, I have a leftover ounce in my fridge and they're down at 3.8
We got a pound for a workshop brew and it was over 8%...very strange. I didn't like it. I think the low-alpha EKG has nicer flavor profile.
I really like his plan, scavenger hunt brewing. Sound like a new style of beer.
The 1st results will be tonight.
I did a test batch at home last Thursday night during the Cav's game.
Everything went as planned. I ended up putting the boil pot/fermentor on the garage floor after chilling, aerating with a cake mixer and pitching. When I got up in the morning it was very cool and still. I then brought it into the house to let it warm a bit and went to work. When I got home from work on Friday, I checked and it was Krausening nicely. By Saturday evening the Krausen had dropped but I didn't have any pop bottles or the time to bottle it. I ended up bottling on Monday morning and added 1 tsp. of table sugar to 2 of the bottles and 1.5 tsp. to 3 of the bottles. I recovered all the yeast in smaller soda bottles for use on vacation.
After thinking about it, don't use boiling water to sanitize plastic pop bottles. They melt!
Tonight... Go Cav's and green beer!
I've been promising to come up with a way for my wife's grad students to make beer at the camp where they do their field work in Equador. This routine might work for them. I'm not sure what all they can take with them, but surely a tin of "dietary supplement" in the form of malt syrup and nutritional yeast product would get through customs.
