Recipe for left over hops

Brewer #416886

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Jan 31, 2024
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Not sure if this is the right place to ask.

Can anyone recommend an approx 25 to 30 ltr recipe to use up my left over Chinook, Amarillo and Cascade hops? I also have some pale malt.

I'm currently fermenting an IPA so could do another batch but am keen to try perhaps a Pale Ale or American Pale.

Is there a way on the site to find a recipe based on what ingredients I have in stock?

Not sure if this is the right place to ask.

Can anyone recommend an approx 25 to 30 ltr recipe to use up my left over Chinook, Amarillo and Cascade hops? I also have some pale malt.

I'm currently fermenting an IPA so could do another batch but am keen to try perhaps a Pale Ale or American Pale.

Is there a way on the site to find a recipe based on what ingredients I have in stock?

You could definitely make an ipa with that. Chinook and cascade make a really nice pale as well. Just cut it back a bit and decide between some late additions vs dry hopping
If you want an IPA, shoot for 50-70 IBUs. If you want a pale ale aim for 35-50 IBUs
I would use your Chinook for bittering, and then Cascade and Amarillo for late boil and dry hops. You can also use 100% pale ale malt or split it with regular 2 row or pilsner
I havent played around too much with the others, but you can make all kinds of stuff with Cascade. That was the first hop I started playing around with going all grain. Pale Ales, browns, American Porters. I like bittering with it too.
Hops aren't just for the boil, whirlpool and dry hopping anymore. If you are making an IPA, you might consider throwing a bunch in the mash. Some folks like the way it helps boost hop flavors when combined with more traditional hop approaches (although people have probably been using them in the mash since just after the dinosaurs). Here is Scott Janisch on using hops in the mash.
Scott apparently picks the older hops that don't smell as good and throws them in with his grist.
