Mowing upgrade

Steve Ruch

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Apr 28, 2020
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Fort Wayne, Indiana
No more having to mow the lawn with a string trimmer.
Looks the goods!
Mustn't be a big lawn?

A couple people in Aus I know have one don't let the grass get too long.:)
Entire lot is only 4,700 square feet. Minus 620 for house and about 240 for the garage leaves less than 4,000 to mow which is less than a tenth of an acre.
Entire lot is only 4,700 square feet. Minus 620 for house and about 240 for the garage leaves less than 4,000 to mow which is less than a tenth of an acre.
Sounds like an average suburban house yard?

The lady over the back fence here bought an electric Ryobi mower so has my boss chatting to them about its pros and cons.

They both said if the grass gets too long it don't cut it.

Lady over the back has to pay a Gardner to come in and mow if she let's it go (her lazy arse neighbour won't come and help her:p)!

So you gotta be vigilant and keep on top of the mowing.

Considering the lawn mower is an Aussie invention we take out mowing seriously :)
Sounds like an average suburban house yard?

The lady over the back fence here bought an electric Ryobi mower so has my boss chatting to them about its pros and cons.

They both said if the grass gets too long it don't cut it.

Lady over the back has to pay a Gardner to come in and mow if she let's it go (her lazy arse neighbour won't come and help her:p)!

So you gotta be vigilant and keep on top of the mowing.

Considering the lawn mower is an Aussie invention we take out mowing seriously :)

Fort Wayne has pretty strict rules about how high we can let our grass grow. If it gets too tall they come mow and send the hone owner a bill, probably a lot more than a gardener would charge. I keep our grass well below the legal limit.
Fort Wayne has pretty strict rules about how high we can let our grass grow. If it gets too tall they come mow and send the hone owner a bill, probably a lot more than a gardener would charge. I keep our grass well below the legal limit.
You need a trained goat. Maybe with a 3" muzzle...:rolleyes:
An old Hungarian friend of mine signed up to take care of a small park.
He got a few goats and hooked them up to long leashes, moving the group once a day to new locations on the grassy areas. Never had to mow at all!
And at the end of the season, filled his freeze.
Fort Wayne has pretty strict rules about how high we can let our grass grow. If it gets too tall they come mow and send the hone owner a bill, probably a lot more than a gardener would charge. I keep our grass well below the legal limit.
Holly $hit OMG that's crazy wowie alot of manicured lawns around where you live it bet.

Sorry but I've never heard of such a thing as getting charged for too long a lawn:D!
Holly $hit OMG that's crazy wowie alot of manicured lawns around where you live it bet.

Sorry but I've never heard of such a thing as getting charged for too long a lawn:D!
They do it here too, but it has to be REALLY bad.
You would have to run that little thing about every 4 days in the summer at my house. That is why I have a lawn tractor. My back yard is too big, and it gets too damn hot in the summer to screw around.
I will say those tractors have become damn expensive. I had to buy a used one this last time, but my last one was good for 15 years.
Fort Wayne has pretty strict rules about how high we can let our grass grow. If it gets too tall they come mow and send the hone owner a bill, probably a lot more than a gardener would charge. I keep our grass well below the legal limit.
I lived in a neighbor hood like that. The grass nazi would come around with a ruler. More than 4" tall and you got a warning that you had 4 days to cut it, lol. If the city cut it, it was $250
I lived in a neighbor hood like that. The grass nazi would come around with a ruler. More than 4" tall and you got a warning that you had 4 days to cut it, lol. If the city cut it, it was $250
It's 9 inches here and I don't know what the charge would be.
I went old school when we moved into our home in Eugene, buying a human powered push mower to cut the grass. We are in the process of eliminating some (or all) of the grass lawn. It will eventually be replaced with an environmentally friendly lawn to attract native pollinators.
Sounds like an average suburban house yard?

The lady over the back fence here bought an electric Ryobi mower so has my boss chatting to them about its pros and cons.

They both said if the grass gets too long it don't cut it.

Lady over the back has to pay a Gardner to come in and mow if she let's it go (her lazy arse neighbour won't come and help her:p)!

So you gotta be vigilant and keep on top of the mowing.

Considering the lawn mower is an Aussie invention we take out mowing seriously :)

Good info Ben. Thinking of getting one if my gas mower ever dies. I bought Ryobi cordless tools for my kitchen remodel and like them very much. Now that my son has a real job I may have to take back some of the yard work :oops:
While I do own a reel mower, my 18 HP Craftsman mower needs a bit over an hour to cut my acre. The man-powered push mower would be just too much.
While I do own a reel mower, my 18 HP Craftsman mower needs a bit over an hour to cut my acre. The man-powered push mower would be just too much.
I have a 18.5 husqvarna tractor but it takes me 3.5 hours on that, I have a tough yard
