February 11th updates


BF Software Manager
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Jun 8, 2016
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Before we get to the changelog, Brewersfriend has decided to separate the code base changelog and the forum changelog updates.

I'll be handling the communication on the forums, whenever possible, for the updates in order to secure a stronger emphasis on user interaction and how the changes affect your workflow, layout etc, and not just the codebase.

  • Imported Recipes - Fixed bug where imported recipe ingredients didn't save as matches to existing catalog ingredients
This update deals with importing recipes matching the existing ingredients to the recipe ingredients. If the name matches, then it will be imported properly using the existing ingredient and will have a link to the ingredient page. See images below for linked to not linked ingredients.



  • Recipe Builder - Hide PH when the calculated value is out of range.

  • Recipe Builder - “Cells Required” missing on yeast area of Recipe Builder.

  • Buy Ingredients - Steeping grains not included when you click buy Ingredients
If there are any questions, or issues encountered please let us know so we can improve the communication and resolve any errors or confusion.
  • Recipe builder - Larger dropdowns on mobile.
Previously the drop-downs on mobile you could only see ~3 lines of the options at a time. We've bumped this up, and the number of lines will depend on how much screen space you have, and will sometimes be above if the drop-down is near the bottom and the row options would make more sense to be shown above.

This was a request from forum user @Craigerrr, thanks for reaching out! Requested in thread below:


  • Recipe builder and calculators - Subtle visual cues for form elements that are in focus (when using "tab" to navigate).
Small visual changes to highlight the currently selected input field.


  • View recipe page - Fix for narrow margins on recipe print (to make it work with ring binders), when browsers ignores custom margins.
Further refinements to support wider browser settings at users request to be able to choose a larger print format.
  • Devices page - Fixed buttons covering text on mobile.

  • Mobile navigation - Fallback for the main mobile navigation when using older devices without flexbox support.
Bug discovered by user @drgonzo2k2.
