December 30 BF New Year Eve Eve

Josh Hughes

Well-Known Member
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Established Member
Apr 7, 2020
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We’ll also do the first quarter draw for 2023. Don’t have to be present to “win” :)
Josh Hughes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Josh Hughes's Personal Meeting Room

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See you there! And then (which is 7 pm EST, or 00:00 GMT).
02.00 Central African Time
I realise it's difficult to find one time fits all, so better you all commit to talking forever and I'll join around 06.00 CAT:p
We should just do it at 11 pm (0400 gmt) and ring in the new year. Just a day early. That way we can get to sleep at 9 pm the next night, to be awakened at midnight by the fireworks...

Us old folks don't like changes to bedtime. We get cranky. :rolleyes: Better have a beer.
I have no idea what the actual time it's going to be now! haha
Later may be better for me, but I still won't know until closer to the meeting.
If I miss it, I wish you all a great Holiday Season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Lol just let me know what you all want. I can easily edit it.
If it is 7pm EST on the 30th, I am down with that (that's how the cool kids say it).
Ah crap, I have a wedding that night, so alas, I will not be able to attend:(
Josh, are you taking over the Zoom meeting? If so I can cancel my Zoom subscription (As of year's end, I'm a retired man....).
First, thank you for hosting these since the beginning. These have often been the highlight if my month. I am grateful.

Then, cheers on your retirement, and welcome to the club. You will surely find yourself busier than ever before. But it's great, 'cause you get to do the things you want.

Do drop in once in a while!
Josh, are you taking over the Zoom meeting? If so I can cancel my Zoom subscription (As of year's end, I'm a retired man....).
Congratulations, and thank you for hosting the meetings!
I always look forward to and enjoy the get togethers!
I'll try and make a look in - well it will be the last of the year.
A Merry Christmas to you all
Reminder a little New Year’s Eve Eve party tomorrow 7pm New York Time. Link to the zoom is at the top of the thread. We’ll also draw the Quarter One 2023 Brewer.
I’ll be drinking my Munich 1870 Lagerbier.
It's unlikely I will make it (unless I really can't sleep)
