An Alian Organism!


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Mar 30, 2016
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Palmwoods QLD
Ok so I wasn't gunna show you all this at first I was completely aghast at what I'd created serendipitously In the bottom of my keezer.
But after trying to remove it and thinking about it finding I hadn't succeeded I thought might as well share this with the forum.

Don't judge me is all I can say lol
Most avid hombrewers who like to reuse their yeast have most likely collected a nice little stash of saved yeast strains in the bottom or on the compressor hump of their keezer/keggerator.
I rekon I've got maybe 10 jars all stacked up one on top of eachother.

Well whilst visiting the keezer the other day I layed eyes on this 1lt Erlymyre Flask I'd savedy from a brew I reckon over a year ago and thought heck why am I keeping that I don't even have a clue what yeast strain that is or how old it is.
This is when I was shocked to lay eyes apon this alien being inhabiting the confines of my flask and keezer.
Aghast I looked over at my humble stack of saved yeast cultures and thought oh no what I'f this alien has infected my saccaramyces single celled earthly micro-organisms :eek::eek:.


This is what remained after attacking it with some 100% sodium perc that's foamed and bubbled down to that volume trying to disolve this alien being.

Embarrassing I know to think I've somehow grown this but I'm equally fascinated in what this is!

It looks almost flesh like sorta like a brain type material or even coral polops comes to kind.

Oh it stinks well after the cleaner went in it was quite offensive as you can see this ain't comming out without a fight.

So before I flushed it out there was some white mouldy stuff on it and I thought oh penicillin o_O but that's an uneducated guess.

So this is what I think it is my first guess is a Simbiotic coexistence of bacteria and yeast like a type of SCOBY.

Right enjoy the pics all hope you've not had dinner or breakfast before viewing these Pictures.

You all know I love to share nice pics of the beers I've brewed or brew day pics but hey why not share the not so pretty pics in the name of hombrewing and brewing science.

I'd love to know what you all think.
Has anyone seen something like this in a saved yeast culture?
What about elsewhere is this a fungus?

Now this was saved slurry so there was a lot of nutrients in that flask ready to provide the right ingredients to form this fleshy thing.
Oh and this was sorta floating on the top of the rest of the slurry contents sorta half stuck to the sides.


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It's just the not-so-great coral reef. :rolleyes:

That's amazing Ben.
Might be just delightful spread across a nice, warm honey biscuit, with some chamomile tea....
At first I read ALIAN ORGASM which would have been very interesting. This is interesting too. But stinky.
holy hell.....that's disturbing. but interesting? i was guessing some kind of mold, but not if it's fleshy.... *shudders* brb while i confirm that Ben lives far enough away that that thing can't get to me :D
holy hell.....that's disturbing. but interesting? i was guessing some kind of mold, but not if it's fleshy.... *shudders* brb while i confirm that Ben lives far enough away that that thing can't get to me :D
Yup and That's the cleaned up version.
Incredible to think that just grew in there.
Now I gotta get it outo_O
