Community Zoom Happy Hour 2024

Josh Hughes

Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
Established Member
Apr 7, 2020
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The earlier the better for me.
17 is midnight and pretty late considering we work 7 days a week, starting 06-07.00
15 or latest 16.00 would be much better
I should really get back into this, get my head back in the game. I'm very happy to work around Zambezi's schedule personally.
While I got it my internet is out back at home that's the mobile network from storm.
Sooo unless they fix it between now and then unfortunately people ill be missing the first of the year :confused: .

Have a beer or five for me please:p
Hope you make it Ben. Jason been a while, be good to see you.

I’ll start it at 4 NY time. I won’t be home until then. Planning on havin having Helles and maybe tapping my Dunkel and Bitter.
I’ll try!
That’s probably too early for me, but I’ll pop in when I can and see if you’re still there. At this time of year (well, all times of year) we’re pretty busy until dark, but it does get dark early these days so I may be able to stop in and say hello. It would be great to see you again.
While I got it my internet is out back at home that's the mobile network from storm.
Sooo unless they fix it between now and then unfortunately people ill be missing the first of the year :confused: .

Have a beer or five for me please:p
I think 5 is the correct number!
We’ll also draw the 1st. Quarter brewer
I hope everyone survived Jen(i)'s visit!
I explained to her after that I entered my screen name in the meeting as "Craigerrr and Jeni", that's why they were calling you Jeni... "Oh" she said :D
It was a fun time. Most people I can remember seeing on there and def a lot of laughs.
I didn’t get pics of everyone that was on. here is one
