You Got Chocolate in My Peanut Butter!


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Apr 28, 2015
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I recently brewed a peanut butter brown. It’s in secondary, with the flavoring to be added at packaging.

I poured myself my amber ale tonight. It didn’t come out as I like it. I’ve changed that recipe a million times, and I know what I have in the keg is not the recipe I have in the app. It tastes very chocolately. I put a drop of the peanut butter flavoring in it, and it tastes very good. So I wrote this recipe up. It uses the same hops as my amber ale. I think a pound of chocolate is the ticket, along with the smaller amount of roasted barley. What are your opinions? Would you brew as is? Probably a loaded question, everyone probably has a tweak or two. Thoughts?
if you like it go for it, I myself wouldn't add that much chocolate in a 5 gallon batch, 1/2 pound at the very most and usually 1/4 for anything less than a porter but nice save with the peanut butter
Yeah, I’m having trouble remembering if I ever put a pound of chocolate in my recipe. I probably didn’t, but then I thought the chocolate pretty much needs to punch you in the face. Do you think a half pound would accomplish that?
I put 1/2 in my brown and I think its going to be too much along with all the other dark grains but for an amber 1/2 would be way too much but the peanut butter brown I think its fine, good luck
I changed it to half a pound, but then I had to put in a quarter pound of black malt for color. It’d be nice to approximate Reese’s chocolate in color, though, just for fun.
