Whitelabs yeast question


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Oct 4, 2012
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Sorry, usually can find such things on vendor website or with google searches....

How does one identify the manufacture date on a white labs yeast vial? Serching all over whitelabs website and not finding it. All I see is best if used by (May 30 in this case) and there's a lot number.

(I'm going to find some type of container and make a starter for the cream ale I intend to brew this weekend).

I think the white labs 'best by' date is 4 months from the date of manufacture.

Wyeast puts the manufacture date right on the package, so it is simple to tell how old it is.
(I'm finding more reason to prefer the wyeast smack packs :shock: )
You're correct Larry. 4 months from Best By date in the vial-in date.
TheZel66 said:
You're correct Larry. 4 months from Best By date in the vial-in date.

Last time I was at the home brew store, I found the dates on the vials confusing. I had the fridge door open, looking for the freshest yeast they had... you know the drill... :cool:

Why not put BOTH dates on the vial - born date, and best by date... That would make so much more sense to me.
Info on the vial says "best before date is 4 months after bottling"


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Well, there it is!
So, my vial said use by 5/30, so that would make it manufactured/bottled 1/30. (that's a little disapointing, I've lost nearly half .. going to have to pay attention to who I buy yeast from!).

I plug this into the calculator for my 1.047, 6 gallon batch, which then says I need 199 billion cells (0.75 "middle of the road" pro brewer)...
My two liter starter, using Chris White-Shaking growth model ... I don't have a stir plate, so I'm just agitating the jug every time I walk by it, says I'll end up with 176B cells, so I'm short.... :(

But, I'm still thinking it's better than not doing it ... I made this last night and I'm planning to brew tomorrow afternoon, so I don't really have time to step this again. ... seems to me I need to spend $45 and purchase a stirstarter.
Stir plates are too easy to make yourself. There are many instructional videos on Utube.
MrBIP said:
My two liter starter, using Chris White-Shaking growth model ... I don't have a stir plate, so I'm just agitating the jug every time I walk by it, says I'll end up with 176B cells, so I'm short.... :(

Well at least the pitch rate is close, so maybe just note the lower pitch rate in the brew log. At least you are making a starter. Imagine pitching the vial by itself without the starter... :cool:

A stir plate is a nice upgrade, and yes you can either buy or build, lots of options.
