Nothing wrong with being anal if you want to be. I’ve heard people give me the “You can brew even better beer” lectures before. There’s nothing I do, brewing or otherwise, that I couldn’t do better. I could have a better marriage, take better care of my house, do my job better, take better care of my car. That list is infinite. I sincerely applaud your quest for a better beer. That’s what you should do if it’s your desire. I’m very happy with “good enough.” The point I’m trying to make is that you don’t have to be anal to brew good beer. It doesn’t have to be a difficult process. If I listened to all of the people who made brewing sound as difficult building a nuclear bomb, I wouldn’t have started. My homebrewing neighbor showed me how easy it can be, way back in the day when I started. And he passed that judge’s test or class or whatever you have to do to be a BJCP judge . I did value his opinion in the beginning, but I learned that most people who know or pretend to know brewing will always find something to criticize, so I stopped asking others for their opinions, and started working solely to please my number one customer. That’s why I never joined my local club. It’s full of people who tell me that the guy I was just talking to is wrong, and what I really need to do is... then the next person told me the same thing, negating the last guy’s advice. I told one guy there (who I didn’t know) that I recently brewed a coffee porter. With no more information than that, he told me what I could’ve done to make it better. Ridiculous. I am not claiming to be an expert homebrewer. But I make a beer I like, and that’s what matters to me. We’re all in this hobby at the level we want to be, or headed to where we want to be. And there’s good beer at every level. I just cringe every time I hear people tell beginners a whole laundry things of what they must do to make their first batch of beer. It’s not that difficult or involved. It can be involved if you want it to be, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It doesn’t have to be difficult.