Website Menus Bug


New Member
Premium Member
May 16, 2016
Reaction score
Downingtown, PA
About 2 weeks ago the brewer's friend website menu bar (orange bar above) stopped function properly for me in Google Chrome. When I put my mouse on the white text, for example "My Brewing", the drop down menu appears, but as soon as I move my mouse off the orange bar, the drop down menu disappears. So I can't navigate the site. I took a video to demonstrate:

This does not happen using Firefox. It also does not happen on the /forum section.

Anyone else have this issue?
I use chrome exclusively, and haven't seen that happen. Have you tried clearing your history and cookies, and then logging back in?
I had the same issue happen on a brand new laptop with the latest chrome, if you take the courser over to the edge of the drop down it works, I think this is a chrome bug not this web site
I figured it out. I had my the zoom for this website set to 90% (ctrl - mouse wheel down). At 90% zoom, there's a tiny gap between the orange bar and the drop-down menu, so when you move your mouse the menu looses focus and goes away. I wouldn't call it a Chrome bug, more like an odd style sheet issue.
looks like a 2 pixel border, visual effect, the reason I said its probably a chrome bug is ive had that same issue with chrome on other java script drop down menus and I think you nailed the issue
I don't know if you've mad changes recently but now its creeping into my opera browser, if your in a recipe and click any of the top menus it does it
