Ways you’ve changed as a brewer this year

I continued upping my production again as from the beginning of our first lockdown of the pandemic. The supplier I discovered in 2020 after the courier lost my Wilko order went bust in the middle of 2022 but I was again lucky enough to find another one within weeks.

I experimented with dry hopping for the first time in this my 40th year of brewing and enjoyed the experience including the results. This is something I plan to continue on and off.

I discovered 1 gallon aluminium mini-kegs which I already prefer. For one thing they immediately get the beer colder whether in storage or the fridge (which my 2 gl plastic ones do not fit in). No problems with the 1 gls as yet although only opened one so far, the rest are maturing. They should keep the beer cooler than usual in storage during summer months too.

I started treating my tap water for brewing but this is less convenient for the bigger batches. Still a work in progress on that front.

I read and am re-reading my first book on beer: 'A History of English Ale and Beer' by H. A. Monckton (1966). I bought this many years ago when still at University. They were throwing it out of one of the local libraries in a booksale for £0.50 but I didn't have time to read it and the thing had just sat there forgotten about in one of my bookcases.:rolleyes:

Beers I brewed for the first time in 2022:

London Porter
American Wheat
English Amber Ale
And three different British Golden Ales

Happy New Year!
