Water volumes not carrying over to mash chem water calc from linked recipe


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Jul 21, 2014
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I'm having an issue with my water volumes not carrying over from the linked recipe to the mash chem water calc. I have the recipe saved. I selected my source and target water and chose "link" to bring up the mash chem calc. The grain bill pulls in along with the source and target profiles, but the water volume shows 6 gallons for total volume and mash volume despite the linked recipe being set to 11 gallon batch size. Any ideas what is causing this? Here is the mash chem: https://www.brewersfriend.com/mash-chemistry-and-brewing-water-calculator/?recipeId=731536 Here is the recipe: https://www.brewersfriend.com/homebrew/recipe/view/731536/updated-yard-work-pils


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EDIT: After updating the volumes manually, inputting all my salts, and saving, the linked water chem "8Z1S0TT" is now showing in the recipe builder. However, when I click on the linked water profile from the recipe, it goes back to 6 gallons.

I am also having an issue where the Overall Water Report is not matching what the linked water calc is showing. My base water is RO, so it's a profile set to all zeros. The target is 59, 8, 0, 63, 89, 0. The adjustments made in the linked water chem record result in a final profile of 60.6, 7.8, 0, 63.7, 89.8, 0. The overall water report is showing: 141.4 18.2 0.0 148.7 209.6 0.000.
The water calc seems to be pulling the info from the quick water requirements, instead of the mash guidelines. We are working on this!
I've tried lots of different things with volumes and nothing seems to work. The software is changing from day to day, even minute to minute. Please put it back to where it was a few months ago.
This seems to still be an issue. I have a recipe that will need 48L of water and both the water chemistry calc and the tab on the brew session insist on always resetting to 33.393L. It will not save in either place.
