Upcoming projects and priorities


BF Software Manager
Lifetime Member
Staff member
Established Member
Jun 8, 2016
Reaction score
Hello Brewer's Friend users and community,

If you haven't been following along with the changelog, our current priority has been catching up and fixing any and all high-priority issues. We've put a pause on new features, and changes to prioritize the core functionality of our existing features. We are reaching the end of the existing bug list, and hope to hit the finish line in the next two weeks.

Next on the agenda are a couple more significant projects, which will likely be released in the following order.

1) An overhaul to the mash guidelines section of the recipe builder/editor. There are several issues/problems/complaints that will be addressed in this update. More information will be provided in a separate thread.

2) An overhaul of the UI, layout, and structure of the recipe builder/editor. More information will be provided in a separate thread.

3) A complete code review and switching to a new library to improve responsiveness, load times, code maintenance, and update to more modern utilities. This won't affect our customers too much, but there may be slight UI changes due to changing in dependencies, and what tools we're able to use.

4) Fully fledged mobile apps for android and IOS that share as much code as possible with the main webpage to ensure a seamless experience and reduce maintenance requirements. For several reasons, this will likely be the last of the projects to be released, as it requires updating our codebase over to the new library, and aligning the app layout with the new mobile layout.

I hope you find these planned changes welcome. If you have any concerns, suggestions, or desired changes left off of the above list please do not hesitate to reply.

Please keep comments related to the mash guidelines, or recipe builder layout in the corresponding threads.

Thanks for using Brewer's Friend!
Looking forward to the android app. Scrolling the brew steps on an android is painful. You have to use the sides which is not easy, at least on my pixel.

An extra would be to connect to Bluetooth for the grainfather and other Bluetooth devices such as the tilt.

Keep up the good work!
