Tap water??

wow so buying the minerals isn't really a problem huh. With all the calculators online I think seasoning my RO shouldn't be a problem, I guess I'll spend a few extra bucks on spring water until the seasoning comes in.
I don't think it is very hard.

Look up a calc called "EZ water" very simple to use
A lot of great advice.

Note that Brewers Friend also has a listing of water reports others have uploaded, which might be useful as a starting point before spending the $42 for a Ward Labs report.

See tools > water profiles
So I just got into brewing and decided to start with all grain brewing. I got everything set up from a nice collection of malts to my DIY mash tun, I'm about to do my first brew session tomorrow but I keep running into the question of what water to use. I always knew our tap water was on the better side here in Los Alamos, I found a water report for my area and saw that it was treated with 1.07 ppm of chlorine. Is that good enough for me to use, or is there something I'm missing? would it be better to buy a few gallons of spring water until I get what I need to treat the water?
You have a lot to worry about before worrying about water.... Use a Campden tablet to dechlorinate your water, one is good for 20 gallons, and master the fundamentals. Sanitation is paramount. Temperature control is important, your recipe is a contributor, water is so far down the list of priorities, I wouldn't worry about it at your stage.
You have a lot to worry about before worrying about water.... Use a Campden tablet to dechlorinate your water, one is good for 20 gallons, and master the fundamentals. Sanitation is paramount. Temperature control is important, your recipe is a contributor, water is so far down the list of priorities, I wouldn't worry about it at your stage.
ok thats good to know, will do, thanks!
