I did, back in 2012 after having tried the Spruce ale at Ft. George Brewing in Astoria, OR. I did the same as your'e planning, a typical 5 gallon pale ale recipe, but NO hops, only spruce tips. My wife & I enjoyed it; others were less enthusiastic. My notes say it was "a little harsh initially, but mellowed out in the keg after a couple weeks. Aroma seems a little musty, but flavor is really nice, kind of like a spruce flavored ginger ale. A slice of lime seems to compliment the flavor". Here's the recipe:
For 5 gallons-
OG: 1050
TG: 1014
10 lbs. German Pilsner malt
.5 lbs. white wheat malt
15 oz. fresh-picked & rinsed Spruce tips
WLP 041 Pacific ale yeast
60 min. boil:
At boil: 5 oz. spruce tips & 1/2 tsp. Irish moss
At 60 min: 5 oz. spruce tips during cooling
After 7 days, transfer to secondary with 5 oz. spruce tips
After 7 days, kegged at TG 1014