Skunking by Outside Boil


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Jul 16, 2012
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Just dumped the first hop charge into my Dry Dock Brewery USS Enterprise IPA clone, outside boiling away in the bright Colorado sun when it occurred to me: Hops and wort in the sunshine. Skunking! I went out to some other forums and no one seemed too concerned. I am. I dump brews for minor flaws. So a question: Any opinions or experience with this? I'm not too concerned because I've been brewing outside for quite a while and have never had problems, it's just a nagging little thought....
I could be wrong but I'm thinking beer only turns skunky after its alcohol not at the wort stage
Ozarks Mountian Brew said:
I could be wrong but I'm thinking beer only turns spunky after its alcohol not at the wort stage

Ya, I've never read anything about skunking beer prior to it be completed.
Nosybear said:
I dump brews for minor flaws.

Really? I'd be happy to drink up any minor-ly flawed brews that you would rather dump. :D
I've been told that.... Oh well, I think I answered my own question. I've finished the brew day and can detect no sign of skunking in the wort. I didn't even think of it, that the bright, UV-rich Colorado sun was shining directly into my kettle until I'd dumped the hops in. Did I say UV-rich? We don't need no stinking beaches - we get 2x the UV as sea level. But it ended well. Thanks for the input guys!

Now off to the inaugural meeting of the Brew Hut's homebrew club....
If I recall skunking is the reaction of the alpha acids from the hops and UV light, so in theory a hopped wort could become skunked. However I believe the boil time is far to short for any real skunking to occur. If you are really worried you could always get a patio umbrella. :D
Yup patio umbrella and a pair of flip flops! February sunshine is always welcome in the rockies!!
Head First said:
Yup patio umbrella and a pair of flip flops! February sunshine is always welcome in the rockies!!
We need a like button! :lol:
Love Dry Dock , get all my stuff from the Brew Hut.
I have never had a problem with brewing in the sunshine here in Colorado. It always makes a Great brew day.
Just did a Brown Ale, every thing went very good. Hit all my temps and Gravity readings on the head.
Sun felt good as I brewed.
What a Great Day to make a Brew, I am very happy to day.
Russ, I'll drink to that. Have you heard of our budding brew club? Next meeting is at 6:30 the first Sunday in April.
I would love to visit your brew club. How about some info? So far I am a lone brewer and probably would be a better one if I has some other brewers to get with.
Nosybear, I would love to join other brewers. As of now I am a lone brewer and would benefit from other's experience. More info please.
posted 3 times ...lets see if this one works.
would love to check out your brew club Nosy, More into please.
ohh jez...all my posts went to a second page. didn't expect that
Popular thread. We'll meet next time the first Sunday in April at 6:30 p.m. Bring some of your homebrew. We have a sharing session afterward. Otherwise, we're so new we don't have a name.
