

Well-Known Member
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Jul 16, 2012
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Out of the brewing business for at least the next two weeks due to hand surgery - spending the time researching my next batches. Definitely want to do a Vienna Lager. I like Negra Modelo and want to see if I can make it truer to its Viennese roots. Visited Prost Brewing today - they have an original Colorado beer, a Munich Helles variant called Tivoli. I love that stuff and again, want to reproduce it. Hmm, what else? There's my Altbier - it needs bottling but with the hand, not likely for a while.
Hopefully you have an ample inventory of " medication"
Nosybear said:
Out of the brewing business for at least the next two weeks due to hand surgery - spending the time researching my next batches.
Research is good, doing is better. ;)
I raise a "cheers" of my own homebrew to your quick recovery!
How about employing the services of the Frau? My SWMBO caps for me all the time.

Also, you could call your beer "left Hand Brewing" and not be infringing on copyrights.
Problem is, it's the left that's splinted. Right-hand Brewing isn't taken.... Oh, well, I have an ample supply in the basement. I could employ my young padawan to do the schlepping while I sip and instruct.... He wants to learn all-grain. Maybe I could make a "Good Right Hand Helles...."

Thanks for the good wishes, guys!
At least it is only 2 weeks! Feel better soon!
Once I'm back, my order of brewing: Vienna Lager, then Blue Moon clone or Hefeweizen, still undecided, then a Helles. Bill Eye at Prost Brewing has resurrected an old Denver brew, Tivoli, a Munich Helles. I want to see if I can do that one - it's yummy. I've got a great Altbier waiting to be bottled so I won't run out of new stuff for the next Homebrew Night. I'd love to do a Strawberry Hefe but the thought of pasteurizing 10 pounds of berries and getting them into a fermenter makes the lazy brewer in me cringe.
Nosybear said:
\ I could employ my young padawan to do the schlepping while I sip and instruct....

Good idea :)
Hope it's gone well and you're back at it soon...
Back in action - clean bill of health from the doc today. Hey all you Colorado brewers, the Brew Hut's Homebrew Night is Thursday. Chess - hope to see you there!
I will be there, and I will have with me the entire Bock family. I will be bringing category 5 of the BJCP style guide. All four beers, with the Dopplebock being the youngest. See you there.
Nosybear said:
Back in action - clean bill of health from the doc today. Hey all you Colorado brewers, the Brew Hut's Homebrew Night is Thursday. Chess - hope to see you there!

Welcome back to the fold!
I have a request for an agave blonde ale for a summer party - it's still cool enough in the basement that fermentation temps shouldn't be an issue but I think I'll do primary in the temperature-controlled fridge, waiting a week to start the Vienna lager.

Chess: Looking forward to it! I'm on the "light" side this time around, my Classic American Lager, my Grodziskie, a Blonde Ale and whatever else I feel like bringing. Cheers!
Glad you're back at it, though I just found out that I'm going to be out of commission for quite some time. I was planning to brew a nice summer wheat that I designed here on the recipe builder, but that may have to wait. Unless I can get my wife to lug the carboy around...


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Nasty looking break on that bone that leads to the pinky toe... Hope it doesn't hurt too bad!

I have a wagon I use to roll around carboys. Lifting them is always a bear. I put a hoist in the brew shed to help with that - blog post about that on the way.

Beer could be considered medicine, and it has been argued that brewing is theraputic. However, these arguments usually get an eye roll at best from SWMBO. :cool: Best of luck and here's to healing up soon.
Ouch.... Six weeks to mend? I broke an arm pretty badly a few years ago - healed back pretty quickly but those 13 screws probably helped with that.... If they can set the bone without surgery, you should heal quickly. In my case, the surgical wound took longer to heal than the bone! In any case, my sympathy. It's been a rough few weeks....
I'm hoping to find out that I can get into a walking boot in a couple weeks, but could be 6-8 total. As long as the bone stays in pretty good alignment, I'm not going to require surgery, but I know that it's going to be a while before I'm able to haul 5+ gallons of water or wort around anywhere. Sounds like I need to find someone who wants to brew with me over Memorial Day weekend.
I would if I could but I think you're a bit out of range for me to help.... Anyway, Agave Blonde is in the fermenter and going like mad. An airstone for a half hour seems to be about right for great oxygenation! Vienna Lager is up for this weekend - I'm looking for something like a Negra Modello without the commercial sweet/corn notes.
While I'm still in a cast, I was able to brew a 5 gallon batch of my Crooked Numbers Summer Ale this weekend! Required help from my wife, son, and daughter, but we got it done in the end. To her credit, my wife actually lugged the full brew kettle back and forth, and then hauled the full carboy up to the fermenting closet. My kids helped to grab little stuff, stir, etc, which was nice. At the end of the day, it was probably my cleanest and most problem-free brew yet, despite having more ingredient additions than my last few brews (the last 3 have all been single-hop trials). Recipe is below, I'm interested to see how it turns out... ... summer-ale
