Selecting a style for a gose


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Aug 29, 2012
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Rosedale, MD
i'm trying to build a gose in the recipe editor, but i'm not sure which style I should pick from the menu. I'm assuming those styles are based off the BJCP guidelines, in which case Specialty Beer is probably the catchall for what's not specifically listed.
any thoughts?
quoting from here

An old German beer style from Leipzig, Gose is an unfiltered wheat beer made with 50-60% malted wheat, which creates a cloudy yellow color and provides a refreshing crispness and twang. A Gose will have a low hop bitterness and a complementary dryness and spice from the use of ground coriander seeds and a sharpness from the addition of salt. Like Berliner Weisse beers, a Gose will sometimes be laced with various flavored and colored syrups. This is to balance out the addition of lactic acid that is added to the boil.

Somewhat recently, Gose has seen a mini-revival with a handful of breweries bringing back the style in the Leipziger area and pubs like Gosenschenke "Ohne Bedenken" serving traditionally brewed Gose.

Average alcohol by volume (abv) range: 4.0-5.0% [ ? ] "

should be a wheat blend style of some kind or German
so should i select the berliner weisse style since its stats are close to a gose?

i guess in other words, i'm trying to pick a style that is in the editor and that's relatively close to a gose so i can see at a glance if i'm in the ballpark with ibu's and such (like the green check marks and orange x's)
just tried it under the berliner weisse guidelines. at least the recipe that i used seemed to be a bit higher abv and ibu than the weisse. similar in color though.
maybe, at least in terms of the stats, a gose is like a slightly beefed up version of a berliner weisse? never had them side by side to compare
Spot on i think. That recipe falls right in the middle for just about everything. Thanks again
jmcnamara said:
maybe, at least in terms of the stats, a gose is like a slightly beefed up version of a berliner weisse? never had them side by side to compare
Pretty much, yes. Slightly higher ABV and the spices/salt to boot.
Once you get the "basic" gose down, you can go for this: ;)
I live a couple blocks away from the brewery and just had it a few weeks ago. Quite interesting, to say the least. :D
interesting. i've got a stockpile of coriander laying around, so i need to be creative to use it all within the next 5 years
