Saved custom fermentables?


New Member
Trial Member
Sep 27, 2012
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I use some malts that are not in the fermentables drop down list. I will use many of them over and over again, so each time I need to enter the same values for that type of grain, to get more accurate calculations.

Somewhat how we can do with the water profiles, the users can contribute items for everyone to use.

Of course, letting everyone do this may result in a total mess, so one idea would be to allow adding "private" fermentables? Or have some kind of review process before making them available to everyone.
We have the option for custom inventory fermentables:

If you want to use the custom fermentable across several recipes we recommend you add it to your Inventory as a 'Custom Fermentable'. It will then appear at the top of the fermentables drop down list.

Give that a try and let me know if it helps.

I think what Luca is looking for is to be able to contribute to the public grain library with grains he commonly uses.

Well in the case of the public grain db, check out:

Seems like an improved grain selection system, with a public database, would be a good thing to slot in. We'll do our best to balance this with other open requests in the forum!
Hi Larry and Kaiser,

You are both correct in terms of what I meant. :)

The Custom Fermentable in the Inventory would really work for my case (thanks for pointing it out!), though it sounds a bit strange if I need to add the fermentable to my inventory before I really have it in my inventory. When I formulate a recipe, I try to see what is available at my LHBS and add ingredients accordingly. I can, of course, add custom fermentables to my inventory and say I have zero kg of it, so I can use it in the recipe... But that's looks like a workaround. ;)

And yes, Kaiser, I also meant that it would be nice to contribute new fermentables' specifications to a public database that everyone can use. For instance, if I go through the trouble of getting the right information on a certain brand of malt, it would be nice to save other people's time by adding it to a public database.

Sorry if I'm not clear in my posts, I'll try to be more concise next times. :roll:
