Sample time and Graphing pH, Gravity and temp


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Jan 24, 2015
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I take regular samples during the fermentation to get a read on gravity, pH and temp.

It would be great to add a timestamp to each brew log entry. It would also be great to be able to use this time stamp to create a graph plotting gravity, pH and fermentation temperature. This will allow to see the fermentation profile more clearly.
Good idea! I'll put this in our "feature wish list". Thanks for submitting that to us.
I see that you've added the plotting of fermentation pH, temp and gravity. I also see that each log entry now has a timestamp.

During the first week or so (style dependant) of fermentation I take readings every 12 hours. Is it poiible to integrate the sample info into the graph based on the timestamp? This way the graph plots accurately to represent the fermentation profile.
I think it'd be great to be able to set the timestamp like you can the date function. Currently more than one reading in a day results in a vertical trend in the graph.


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That sounds cool- I don't know what it would entail but I'd like to know if we can do that.

@avantassel - can we do this?
Personally, I'd like to be able to shut it off. The graphs are cool but take up a lot of real estate and I don't see how they're needed for anything other than gee whizz. But then, I think pretty much the same thing about the Tilt, maybe just me being an old fart.
Yep- you will be able to switch it off with a toggle switch! That should go live tomorrow.
