True, though it's been at least 24 hours since he asked so if he hasn't done anything yet I'd be extremely careful.
@CRUNK small caliber is fun but I'd like to pulverize a couple with my 8mm Mauser. Leaves less glass. Greenies hate litter.

Can't honestly say I'm a big fan of litter.
Here in Colorado, we generally haul others' litter out when we're hiking. We love our land, especially our public land. Of course, what someone does on their own estate is up to them, as long as it doesn't spill out into mine.
This topic took a little turn for the worse of course I clean up after myself I wouldn't just leave them laying there
yeah I've had that happen not before but when I opened them they would shoot 3 feet in the air, it was funny at first then I had to clean up, not so funny
I've had some colossal gushers - spew the entire beer out. The only bottle bombs I've had went off in protected spaces, all two of them, so no one was injured.
Re sterilize the fermenter & pour them all in to ferment the sugar off, Re bottle & carbonate again correctly. It might have a tart taste but the Alc/vol will still get the job done.
When helping judge we had a few empty themselves on opening, it was an experience.
Thanx for the help.....
I'm going to let it ferment out - I opened a couple and about half the contents spewed out but not uncontrollably. I combine the two half bottles and stuck it in freezer to chill. It reminds me of a Samuel Adams cream stout and I don't find it overly sweet. The carbonation seems about right but I can't imagine what would happen in a few more days.
Thanx for the help.....
I'm going to let it ferment out - I opened a couple and about half the contents spewed out but not uncontrollably.

Thanks for the update. So did you open all of them or only a couple? I'm assuming/hopiho you opened all and only a couple gushed out. If not you're getting pretty close to dangerous territory now.

Glad they taste good so far though, that's a plus!
Yip - just opened the 2 last night chilled in freezer and tasted fine. I refrigerated the balance, and I'm drinking one as we speak. Someone mentioned that cooling them would retard/halt the carbonation process - it's looking like they're right ..... good stuff !
Thanx all....
Yip - just opened the 2 last night chilled in freezer and tasted fine. I refrigerated the balance, and I'm drinking one as we speak. Someone mentioned that cooling them would retard/halt the carbonation process - it's looking like they're right ..... good stuff !
Thanx all....

It will slow but not stop the process. Not sure how many bottles you have but you're playing a dangerous game my friend :p
