Rice Hulls in All Grain Wheat Beer


Trial Member
Sep 22, 2012
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Is there a rule of thumb out there for amount of rice hulls you should use per pound of Wheat Malt to ensure a nice lautering??
My wheat beers are about a 50% wheat and I toss in a 1/2 a pound per 5 gallon batch.
When I use a RIMS setup, I add 3/4.
Hope this helps.
Thanks.. that's about what i was going for (50/50 wheat/pilsner) and 1/2 lb seems to be what others say searching google.
I've never used rice hulls, as when I do wheat or rye beers I BIAB, so my question would be, can you use too much rice hulls? Using the previous example of 1/2 lb. per 5 gallon with a 50/50 grain bill, Would using 1 lb., or 2 lb. rice hulls effect the process, or the final beer, or is it only a waste of hulls?
Rice hulls really have no flavor, so I think adding additional would just be a waste.
The Brew Mentor said:
Rice hulls really have no flavor, so I think adding additional would just be a waste.

Well, they do add husk material and with that increase the amount of tannins that are extracted. But before you guys are shooting me for this I'm going to add that tannin extraction is normal in brewing and it is the excessive extraction of tannins that causes off flavors. How much rice hulls you have to add before they affect the flavor negatively, I don't now.

I have brewed several 50/50 wheat / 2 row batches in my RIMS setup using a 10 gallon tun. Never had one stick yet. I use a .038 setting and 1.75 qt. per # with a good stir or two during a 90 min. mash. As the recirculation begins agin after a stir I will also rake the top just a tad to avoid funneling and create an even grain bed.
