Recent and Future Development

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May 21, 2014
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I've been poking at this app for a few weeks and I really like it. I used it along side my typical brew software on my last batch and will probably do so again this weekend to see how well I've refined the settings.

There's a ton of potential with this software. While it's relatively feature-complete, there doesn't seem to have been any major development on the site since the owership changed in November, which I find disconcerting.

Anybody have any insight about the future development plans?
Going out on a limb here........
The new owners are a business, not a brewer so I would predict that future development will be around the website rather than the features. (Austin feel free to comment).
I'm happy with the current tools so I'm sticking around. But I wouldn't join expecting more features in the future.
I don't think adding features and making money have to be conflicting goals. In fact, I think adding features adds value. I can say for certain that I'm not entheusiastic about paying for a service when it seems there's nobody putting any effort into addressing its shortcomings.
nzbrew said:
Going out on a limb here........
The new owners are a business, not a brewer so I would predict that future development will be around the website rather than the features. (Austin feel free to comment).
I'm happy with the current tools so I'm sticking around. But I wouldn't join expecting more features in the future.

That's not true. We're a business and brewers, but then we've been round and round with this and this is this month's thread covering it.

Does it make sense from a business perspective to add features and develop according to the needs of the community? Of course. It wouldn't make sense the other way around.

The programmer that's been handling fixes and updates is offline this week, but I have been pressing for a development schedule so I will be getting back to him upon his return. I'm locking this topic to ensure my response is seen, and to prevent the inevitable thread drift that will occur.
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